chapter three

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"no wonder you were so sad with your banana drawing."

jungwoo stared up at lucas. his seat mate came and actually saved him from the bullies.

maybe he came to bully jungwoo too.

"are you okay?" asked lucas staring down. he looked pretty concerned for a bully, jungwoo thought.

"why can't all the meanies leave me alone?" jungwoo whispered out loud, eyes closed tight. lucas looked shocked.

"i'm not a meanie! i just wanna be your friend!" he said as he pulled jungwoo so he was sitting up. lucas swept his thumb over jungwoo's cheek, where there was already a nasty red mark starting to form from the bully's punch. jungwoo looked at him with wide eyes and a warm blush covering his cheeks.

"f-friend?" asked our favorite uwu.

"yOu DoN't KnOw WhAt a fRiEnD iS?" lucas placed a hand on his heart gasping.

"no! i know." jungwoo stared down at his converse shoes. "i don't have one." he spoke softly.

"what?" asked lucas, lowering his voice if that was even possible for lucas, especially five year old lucas. when jungwoo looked up, lucas had the softest, widest expression a five year old could probably have.

"i-i said i don't-"

"i know what you said!" lucas quickly interrupted when jungwoo was repeating what he was saying. "i was just shocked because everyone has friends."

"well, i don't." jungwoo pouted and crossed his arms, looking at lucas's left shoulder. what lucas said next really shocked little jungwoo.

"... i can be your friend."

"i'm going to school, gonna go and see lucaas!" jungwoo sang as he skipped around the kitchen happily. he wouldn't even sit down to eat his breakfast.

"jungwoo, my little uwu, please come and eat breakfast." jungwoo's mother said gently to her overexcited son. she'd never seen him this excited for anything school related. she had gotten a call from a parent last week explaining jungwoo had been getting bullied and not telling anyone but the fellow parent also explained her son lucas had came and stopped the bullies from picking on jungwoo. jungwoo's mother was really shocked to hear her poor little uwu was getting hurt at school. she felt like a horrible mother.

"i don't want to sit down! ima see lucas today! he's my friend!" jungwoo smiled happily and did a happy sigh before running around again.

"jungwoo, do you want a brownie in your lunch?" his mother asked, nearly giving up on her child.

"no. i want two." jungwoo stubbornly crossed his arms.

"you can't have two, little uwu."

"no! it's for lucas!"

"lucAs!" jungwoo ran into the classroom and clinged onto his friend.

"heyo jungwoo!" lucas wrapped his arms around jungwoo.

"i really missed you this weekend! my mommy packed you a brownie for lunchtime so we can both have brownies and be matching!" jungwoo smiled up at lucas giggling.

"really? i wanna be matching!" lucas was jumping up and down now. jungwoo joined him.

"i know!" he said as they jumped around like bunnies.

when it was lunchtime, the two friends ran to a bench and sat, legs touching as jungwoo handed lucas his brownie and he took his. lucas thanked him and jungwoo was already violently eating his brownie.

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