Trafalgar's POV

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written by cristianaistypingnow

I have to do something, even though I don't  know what I am doing.


        I watched and waited as the last of the visitors and doctors said goodbye and left the room, and the click of the light switch reached my ears. The room went pitch dark. The curtains billowed in the night breeze. They glowed a pale silver- the light of the crescent moon was trapped in their fibers.

        I waited until the footsteps gradually ceased. Silence is really golden. How long since I have not heard Thorin's yelling and shouting in the next room about 'game over' at night? I breathed heavily as I enjoyed the sudden and long-awaited peace. Then I sat up. There were many things going on in my head.

        The reason why I had agreed to change schools with Thorin is in fact to avoid something from happening again. When I was ten or eleven, my best friends, Eustass and Bekan were killed by the school bullies. I won't let that take effect again on any of them. Never again. I can't afford another loss of a friend.

        Thinking of which, I had to investigate the Harris's suspicious-looking mansion. I yanked aside the light green curtains which seemed to be transparent and wrinkled my nose at the smell of medicine. The windows were half open, and I saw in the glass window panes my reflection. I then pushed my palm against the icy cold glass, pushing it to make the gap even wider. The opening was large enough for me to get through, as I checked. I put on my usual pullover and the plain black cap.

        I clamped a hand down on the edge of the windowsill and heaved myself down onto the grass. I was lucky to have a room on the ground floor. I landed steadily, but my back ached from the force of my landing. I checked the time. I'll have to come back in an hour, just when the doctors walk around and survey the area. Reminding myself once again the reason of my approval and the process of their death, I ran like there was no tomorrow. 


        What were we doing when it all happened? Ah, yes.

        We were following a crudely dug path we discovered near the entrance of the forest. It led straight inside the grove of tall fir trees. Eustass Kader, the ADHD guy, was bouncing around, his red jacket was messily tied around his waist, and looked like it could fall off any minute. Bekan Reighine was walking a little in front of me, trying to calm the hyper redhead down before we ran into any trouble. Everything was as usual.

        We all have a nickname for each other. Eustass is ADHE, short for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Eustass. Which suits him very much. Or Hyper Red, according to Bekan about his red hair and jacket, and the unmistakable fact that he's crazy. Bekan is OUMS, Official Ursus Maritimus (polar bear) Scientist. I suppose it's because he loves anything related to bears, but he is also known as the Tutorial Bearer. His parents arranged classes for him every day. Ugh, creepy parents. I'm the Creepy Inhumane Death Doctor. Or something like that, which I still don't get. Simply Death Scientist in some schools. Well, never mind that now.

        Just then, we found the group of the Bullies (it's capitalized) of our school sitting and playing cards in a clearing they made in the forest. It seemed that they cut down a few trees illegally and built a platform using the materials/logs. Then their eyes caught us. Actually, they saw Bekan chasing Eustass angrily in order to stop him from wrecking the place. Seeing this as well, I muttered a small curse.

        The head bully trudged heavily over to Eustass, who was still ignorant of his surroundings, and pulled him up by his T-shirt collar. Bekan immediately stopped complaining and started to stutter about being sorry and to beg about showing mercy in a lame way.

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