Gillian's POV

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written by xxRebeccaxxGailxx

I was in love, but I pulled myself together and held my façade.


        During English Class, I sat next to Francis. It was sad. I love him, but I suppose he looked at me as his little sister to protect or some annoying hyper kid. Being French, he said it was his nature to flirt, in his words, adore anything beautiful. Girls swooned over him. He could have anyone he wants. The funny thing was- he never had a girlfriend or flirted after Lukas' death. Why can't he just see I was here all along!?

        "Gillian, mon cher. Why aren't you writing? Are you unwell?" his velvety voice asked. Ah.

        Quickly fixing a million watt grin, I looked at hin. In my fake squeaky voice, I replied, "Oh, Fran, you know I don't speak the Language of Love. I'm fine. Don't worry."

        His frown creased into a small smile.

        "Very well, keep writing, Gillian."

        Phew, he doesn't know.

        Tears prickled the corners of my eyes but I blinked them back. At the corners of my eye, I saw Tree still attempting to get Dianne to get the message to Analisa. What an idiot or in Analisa's words, "he's such a git."

Remembering that I still had yet to finish my essay, I picked up my fountain pen and scribbled, whilst my mind was filledwith words I wanted to tell the twins later.

In third person's point of view .

        "Well, you see, I think I... love Francis," Gillian muttered. Dianne and Analisa nodded understandingly.

        Analisa put a reassuring hand on the love-struck girl's shoulder, "We support 'bout that, Gilli."

        "But please be careful. Are you even sure this is what you want?" Dianne finished.

        Before Gillian could even reply, Tree bustled over, sat down without asking and started flirting with poor Analisa.

        "He sucks. Rude when he sat nearly sat on my brother," Dianne whispered softly to Gillian. The other nodded, chuckling.

        "Get used to it. It'll occur more now that you sit next to him. He he he. Analisa has been trying to fling him off for a year and a half."

        "Wha-" Dianne could barely conceal her amusement, resulting in everybody in the canteen to look at her. Gillian just shook it off with a hearty laugh and made a 'shoo' motion. The rest continued whatever they were doing before. Dianne sighed," Thanks for saving my neck, Gillian."

        "Welcome," came a hoarse reply.

        Analisa, finally free from the clutches of the insane love babble of the person with 'a common plant name', heard and rushed over with the speed of light.

        "Gilli! Are you ill? What's the matter?"

        "I-I'm just tired. Ana- don't worry,"

        Dianne and Analisa knew something was up but decided to not push it. Francis also came over.

        "Cherie~ 'ow re you?"

        "Excuse me,"said Gillian, climbing out of her seat with such haste that even the obnoxious Tree stopped his trash talk.

        Tears streamed down Gillian's face freely, as she rushed to the restroom. She felt like a total loser, not that she'd admit, as a few sobs escaped her mouth. People didn't spare a glance at the usually bubbly girl as she dashed and bolted down the hallways. Her fists were clenched so tightly that the knuckles turned ghostly white. Her nails dug into the fleshy part of her palm and it bled. A hurricane of emotions stirred inside her.

       The familiar pink door lending to the restroom came to view and she kicked it. She swiftly got into a cubicle and squatted down. The door was locked and she let her frustrations sound. To others, it would have sounded like a normal shout. But to the twins outside, it sounded like a cry of agony, like a sword stabbed and twisted in your stomach. They knew...

                                                The girl couldn't hold her act together anymore.

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