Analisa's POV

22 3 0

written by rachelisnotawriter

A letter? Oh!


"Ring!" the doorbell sounded.

I swung my legs off the sofa and headed to the door.

"Ring!" the doorbell sounded again.

I glared at the door as I swung it open. A man in uniform with a bag slung over his shoulder was standing at the door.

"Postman!" I said, a bit taken aback. "We have a postbox. What brings you here?"

"Ma'am," he said serenely. "A gentleman walking past told me to give this to Miss Analisa Harris."

He gestured vaguely at the opposite road and handed me a letter. I took it and glanced at the front of the envelope. There was nothing on it.

"Thanks," I said hurriedly.

"You're welcome," he replied. "G'day, ma'am."

I closed the door and ran up the stairs, up to the attic, and rushed into my room, shutting the door behind me. I opened the letter and glanced at it. It was written out neatly. It read:

Dear Analisa,

Sorry to be so sudden, but I have news for you. I wil be changing schools, going to study abroed, to Trixton Academy, a boarding school in England. I won't be coming back for a long time, maybe never again. Please tell the others about it, oK? I am so sorry I couldn't come to see you before I left,  as I had to go as soon as possible. Give my love to Dianne, Dan, Thorin, Francis, Gillian, and my best ragards to Trafalgar.


Tree Alders.

England! That's so far from America! My shoulders sagged and I fell on my bed. I never felt anything towards Tree, but I missed him as a friend. I sighed and got up again, and headed to Dianne's room. I heard loud music booming inside and Dianne's loud laugh. I knocked and pushed the door open. Dan was sitting in one of the chairs in front of Dianne's desk, and Dianne was clutching a card and leaning over the CD player to tune it.

"Hey!" I shouted over the din.

"What?" Dan roared back irritably. "We're making a card for Tree! It's his birthday tomorrow! "

"You can't give it to him, he's in England!" I retorted.

The CD player stopped.

"What do you mean?'' Dianne said in a low voice.

"He's gone to England," I started explaining about the letter.

Dianne's face paled. "You mean... he's never gonna come back?"

Dan glared at the floor. "At least he's not here to annoy us more."

"Daniel!" Dianne said, with an annoyed look. "Tree's nice to us."

"He's a nice friend," I added.

"You threw tantrums when he passed you notes," said Dan defiantly.

"Stop it!" shouted Dianne. There were tears brimming at the edge of her eyes.

I looked at Dan and he caught my eye. I wasn't sure to glare or to smile.

"Anyway, Tree's gone without telling us," Dianne said, her lips quivering. "He was our FRIEND."

"Friend," said Dan gravely.

I rolled my eyes and placed my arms around Dianne. Her tears splattered my shirt, cooling my shoulders as she cried. Dianne was such a vulnerable girl. Just a friend leaving, and she'd cry her tears out. I shook that thought aside and patted her back.

"I wanna be alone for a while," said Dianne, breaking free of my arms.

Dan shrugged and retreated out of the room. I followed him out and he shut the door quietly.

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