Dianne's POV

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written by rachelisnotawriter

Alex? No!


The golden cot was spiralling and revolving in the centre of the room. My brother, was inside. He was born with me and played 'fighting' with me and Analisa when we were young. I'd forgotten about him when I got here but I recalled it now. He was writhing fretfully. I felt an invisible metal hand reaching through my chest and clenched at my heart. Suddenly, he stopped. His claws smoothed out and became fingers. I stared. The change came up and up until the fur on top of his head also melted and blonde hair grew in its place. When he opened his eyes, they were brown. He looked just like me and Analisa. I wanted to run to him, but I had to stop myself.

The scientist came over, holding a bottle of dangerously black liquid. He poured a whole beaker of clear syrup into the bottle, letting it sink into the black stuff, making it bubble and froth. I almost screamed as the man forced the thing down my brother's throat. His eyes glazed over as he drank. When the bottle was drained, I thought his eyes flitted over to me,but I guess it was just my expectation and hopes, for his gaze was now on the man.

The man pulled a chair over and sat opposite the cot, which was fading already, the golden light receeding.

"Your name is Alex Harris," said the man urgently.

"My name is Alex Harris," repeated my brother, flatly.

"You do not remember anything."

"I do not remember anything," replied my brother, I mean, Alex.

I almost yelled. No, Alex. No, he can't. He can't forget everything!

When the cot finally vanished, Alex was lying on the ground. The glaze in his brown eyes was gone. He was staring straight at me.

I gulped. But Alex didn't say anything. I turned my gaze to the mysterious man. He was taking off his goggles. His eyes were startling green.

I almost shouted again. It was Dan? No!

"Alex," said the Dan- man. His voice was muffled over his mask.

"How'd know my name?" asked Alex hurriedly. "Where am I? Who--"

"Oh stop that blab blab blab," Green Eyes (I decided to call him that) said impatiently. "You live here. Just go up that trap door. You'll find your wat eventually."

Green-Eyes turned and walked through the other door.

I came out from my hiding place.

"Alex!" I whispered.

He looked at me again. His brown eyes widened.

"I look just like you!" he said.

I put a finger to lips and pointed at the door Green- Eyes had just gone through.

"Let's get out first," I whispered.

We climbed out the trapdoor and back at the eerie sitting room. I shuddered, letting the trapdoor close in its own accord.

Alex sprinted over to the door leading out and looked at me curiously. I opened the door for him.

"Why are we so alike?" he asked as I closed the door behind us.

"Do you remember being a lion?" I asked.

"A lion?" he asked. Then his face contorted into a confused expression. "A lion!"

"You are my brother. We have a sister too."

I launched into an explanation on Analisa and Dan and the others. I watched as Alex's mouth fell open slowly, until his jaws were in danger of unhinging themselves.

Finally, I stopped and we had to find our way. With Alex's confidence,

I finally found our way out and we found our room.

Analisa was sitting on my bed, eyes red from crying.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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