10. Painful Refuge

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Her eyes slowly fluttered open. Leah found herself in completely different surroundings, she panicked and tried to sit up.

"Don't bother, dear. You have a very nasty fever." The voice was so soothing, she laid down without further question. The person moved closer to Leah, coming into her view.

An old woman, with a wrinkled face and full lips, was smiling at her. Her hair was a web of silver yarn, encased on her head. She was wearing a bright floral dress, with lilies embroidered at the end.

"W-who are you... a-and how did I end up h-here?" Leah quietly whispered.
"I am Elizabeth dear, and how you got here shouldn't concern you right now. Just rest, you were in the rain out there for quite a long time, I will get you something to eat." Leah was overwhelmed by her warm smile, and didn't question Elizabeth's cleverness to side track her question.

Neglecting the incoming thoughts of the past events, she distracted herself by trying to figure how she ended up here. She couldn't remember anything after she hit the ground, but she wasn't trying very hard.

Suddenly, her thoughts clicked and her blood froze. She remembered as she was falling down, her eyes could make out a dark silhouette standing a few feet away from her, watching her fall. Nothing else came to her mind, so she let it be.

The old lady entered the room carrying a tray. The smell of something wonderful wafted towards Leah as the tray was placed on her lap. As Elizabeth sat on her chair, she pointed the tray and looked at her, " Eat up dear."

Leah obliged, and asked, "Is t-this your h-house?"
"It most certainly is! A couple of blocks down the street where h- I found you." Either Leah didn't notice or pretended to ignore the old woman's stutter.

Before further questions, Elizabeth stated, " You can stay here love, and rest. Tomorrow I will take you home."
'Home', Leah thought bitterly. Although it was quite suspicious of the woman to let a stranger found at a random street stay at her home for the night without any question, without bothering about asking who even Leah was, she decided not to speak.

After all, what would she say? My parents forced me out of my home? Nope.
It would only generate more complications.

She simply gave Elizabeth a small smile and nodded. After she was finished devouring the food, Elizabeth took the tray away and made her way out of the door, turning off  the lights behind her.

The horn of a car blared so loud, her eyes shot open, the sound was so shrill she thought her ears might bleed. She could then see the car coming to halt in front of a body that was now on the cold, hard road.

A deep dark liquid flowed out of the girl's fragile body. Leah moved closer to see her beautiful dark brown eyes now wide open, and chocolate brown hair slicked with blood.

Something glinted in her hand, reflected by the shiny surface of the car. It was a bracelet, made of silver doves and decorated in silver pearls. In the middle of it were engraved two letters, initials.

'F.R', Leah repeated them in her head and that is when realisation struck. 'It's another nightmare.'

The world faded to black.

I know, I know, too many nightmares, but everything happens for a reason.
Doesn't it?😉

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