57. Her World's End

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Sebastian merely sneered at Alex's heartbreaking reveal of feelings. He had long stopped caring for his younger brother when all his life had been devoted to gaining power, by all means necessary, driven by his crazed passion. He had long stopped considering him as his family, and let him drown in whatever problems came his way. And that wasn't going to change now, seeing his brother break horribly, he still felt no remorse, no love for him.

Instead what he felt was anger, resentment for Alex for protecting Leah, and be an obstruction in Sebastian's path to superiority. And before he knew it, a sickening plan formed into his mind, which he was willing to carry out, if all it rewarded him back with was his chance to bolt, and come back again, stronger and more fortified.

Meanwhile, tears streamed down Leah's face as she continuously looked onto Alex, crushed by seeing his unarmed side. Her eyes, although trained on him, her mind drifted to that promising day, when Alex had taken her to the mesmerizing and equally unforgettable sight. She reminisced how happy he looked, how she rested on his shoulder, while a gentle breeze passed by every so often. It was as if they had no worries in the world at that moment, and now, it was as if they were being paid back heavily.

Finally getting self-conscious, Alex wiped his sweater's sleeve on his dry, tear-stained cheek. His purple eyes shined bright amidst the darkness and Leah felt them lighten her soul as he looked over at her. Jay, standing a few feet away, smiled sadly, well aware of both their pain as their close friend. He tried to maintain his sharp eyes on Sebastian's moves but he couldn't help feel immense sorrow at his best friend's words, hence having to look at him.

"But that... that was never my only reason. I had to protect you, I couldn't lose you. But that was not..the only reason."

Jay took a step forward, trying his very best to try to intervene.

"Now is not the time Alex. It can wait-"

But Alex cut him off, his gaze now firmly set at Leah, his eyes the deepest hue of purple any of them had ever seen.

"It can, but by Lord, I cannot."

By this time, Sebastian had caught up on what was happening, and what was going to follow. Envy and turmoil burned within him at seeing his brother trying to make things right. Blinded by thirst for sovereignty, he could only see a part of Alex; the part that was trying to fix itself, not the one that had been suffocated and was trying to survive through and through.

Therefore, he did the only thing that made sense to him in his raging anger. Quietly, he brandished his knife, veiled behind his jacket, when he was sure no one was looking. And then, he awaited the right moment.

Time seemed to slow down around them as everyone's eyes landed on Alex, who was struggling with his words. He knew what he wanted to say, he knew how he had to say them, but he knew not how Leah would react, for she looked relieved and at the same time, fear-stricken at the moment. He couldn't comprehend how she would react once she found out his genuine feelings, and what would follow suit.

But, behold his fate, he wouldn't find out after all.

"The reason I stay worried for you, why I can't keep myself from endlessly thinking about you is because..."

He sighed and trailed off.  Looking into Leah's blue, innocent eyes once again, he talked to himself, that he cannot back out of this now.

He had to end this.

"Because I love you, Leah.. I love you so much."

"But you can't have what I can't."

In the flash of an eye, before anyone could prevent it from happening, a knife, black as the night, sliced through the air swiftly and landed itself neatly in the center of Leah's heart.

Alex gasped lightly and fell to his knees. Blood gushed out of his chest and spurted everywhere, tainting his hands that now held the hilt of the small dagger wedged neatly in his stained shirt. He tried to even out his breathing, but pain ebbed through his chest, thriving by every second, bursting forth to every inch of his body. It hurt him to breathe, it hurt him to keep his eyes open and see how Leah fell beside him, crouching to his side.

Sebastian's eyes witnessed Alex crashing to the ground as blood bloomed onto his shirt, and he couldn't help but halt for a manic second, guilt stabbing him likewise the knife to his brother. What had he done? What had he risked for the mere sake of his demented ambition for the throne? Who had he lost over the cost of his insane whim?

What had he caused?

Sebastian was long gone before Jay could register with anything that had occurred. The world around him spun similar to the thoughts in his head. Two minutes ago, his best friend was confessing his love for the very first time, expressing how he felt for someone he had almost lost, and now, two inches ahead of him, he could only gape at Alex as he fell to the brink of death. He had seen the dagger when it had reflected light in Sebastian's hands, but alas, he could do nothing, even his shapeshifter body rendering too slow to stop the weapon from piercing Alex's heart. A sob escaped his lips, before he forced his legs, willed himself to take a step towards his dying friend.

Leah clutched at Alex's shirt, his blood now on her hands as she looked at him, her face set in a blank expression. She felt as if she was nothingness, a mere occupant of space in the universe with no matter to the world. She felt empty.
Alex smiled at her weakly and shut his eyes in pain as he held the dagger in his hands. He knew if he pulled it out, he could end his pain much more quickly but he couldn't, couldn't bear to forfeit the last minutes of his life with her. So he let it be, enduring all the agony as best as he could and grinned at her, gasping as he felt himself sink to the ground completely and the dagger push in him even further.

Without a word, Leah eased him on to her lap, her hands pushing back his glistening hair from his hair as she spoke softly. "Come on, l-let's go h-home... Let's go home A-Alex."

A delicate laugh left his lips at her words. He slightly opened his deep purple eyes to meet her blue orbs, and he hurriedly took Leah's hand. With a final look of contentment on his face, he uttered to her.

"I had always known.. this day would come. But..", he breathed out, "But right now, I am just happy you are here."

His hand went limp in hers. And all she remembered after, was her own screaming, so loud, so full of pain, for it was indeed her heart which was stabbed.

I am confused too, don't worry.

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