47. Your Happiness

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"I...I can't walk..." Leah muttered in between painful pants.

 "It h-hurts."
Hearing her, Alex immediately stopped aiding her out of the bed and pondered at her face, which was slightly scrunched in agony from the searing bruises on her stomach and her arms.

'No other way I guess.'

He broke his own train of thought by slipping his hands swiftly under Leah's head and waist, and lifting her up in his arms like a small child.

Her breath got caught painfully in her throat, her hands clutching Alex's t-shirt tightly for fear of crash landing on the floor, her eyes screwed shut firmly, she didn't know whether it was because of her involuntary instincts or the panic of accidentally writing her true emotions on her face for Alex to see.

She decided to open them when she heard no sudden and loud 'thud' of her body hitting the floor, or the tearing ache that would ascend from her spine. By the time her reality had come to its senses, he had easily carried Leah halfway to the front door, keeping his grip secure but gentle so as to not inflict even the slightest of pain.

It was also by now that her cheeks were blazing red.

'Why is he being so nice? Am I about to die?

'Or am I... am I finally good enough to be treated like that?'

Fortunately, Alex didn't answer her thoughts, and Leah wondered whether it was because he was currently preoccupied with the task of carrying her, or simply because he did not want to.

To her bewilderment, she spotted a  black car parked outside the front door and surrounded by wilderness. It was as if the mansion was in the middle of a forest; she could see no main road, no houses nearby, just green everywhere.

Alex must have sensed her inquisitiveness because he sighed and said "Don't worry, 'I' am the one driving." as he walked towards the car.

He opened the passenger door and gently placed Leah on the seat, careful not to bang her head against the car's roof. He closed her door and sprinted to the other side to seat himself.

He side-eyed Leah for a minute, confusing her as to what was the matter. Realising Leah was clueless, he rolled his perfectly blue eyes and crossed his arms.

 "Aren't you gonna buckle in?"

Heat rose to Leah's cheeks again in embarrassment as she timidly snatched the belt and the familiar click was heard after, making it difficult for Alex suppress his chuckle. Before starting the engine, he reached into the glove box and took out a cap.

"Wear this."

"And keep your head low, no one will probably recognise you at first glance, but we can't take any chances."

He revved up the car and drove straight through the woods, thankful that Leah was obliging and keeping her gaze low.

After what seemed like an unbearably long drive to Leah who only had the scenic view of her hands, every so often raising her eyes just slightly to look out the window only to see a blur, the car finally halted and Alex geared the car into neutral.

Alex looked over at her only to find her already staring at him, somewhat reluctantly but with hope. Alex couldn't help break into a small smile, his only purpose being to encourage her that things were going to go right, one day or the next.

"You can look up now." , he said after a while so she did, immediately being taken hostage by the most enchanting of landscapes she has ever stood an eye witness to.

The beauty of it all ripped apart Leah's imagination of The Other Side like mere pieces of paper, it was so much more enticing than any place she had ever seen, let alone conjure in her own little mind.

Interwoven in a plethora of dark and light colours, the evening sky spread out in front of her like an alluring mirage, tempting her to walk closer and deeper. This clearing was also circled by various trees; their canopies so high, only traces of  light seeped in through, putting the centre aglow. Beyond the sky stretched the sea, vast, a blend of splendid copper and a splendid shade of aquamarine, coupled with orangish specks of the evening sun rays over it, making the water glisten unrealistically.

Leah's jaw was dropped open unintentionally as she continued gazing at the magnificence displayed in front of her. Alex smiles wryly at her expressions, the disbelief of such grace and charm reflecting in her eyes and the admiration sitting on her face. She looked almost as beautiful as the view she gazed longingly upon, and if it wasn't for her voice bringing him back to earth, he may have let his thoughts overwhelm him.

"It's...i-it's so..."

She trailed off, unable to form words.

"Do you want to get out or just stare from here?" Alex asked with a hint of playful annoyance in his tone.

 Leah didn't answer him, she simply let him help her out of the car slowly. Tingles of pain did shoot up her back, but she chose to ignore it. She had better things to give her attention at the moment.

And it was just what Alex hoped would happen; she forgot each and everything she was going through, every information she was burdened with, and each bruise and cut her body owned, all for savouring the scenery in front of her. Remembering her broken state back at the mansion had made him wish desperately that this place would serve as a distraction, since it also had for him when his emotions had twisted and entwined with each other to leave him a mess. He had calmed down every time he traveled to the Rayon seaside, and was covertly convivial to see it bring upon the same effect on Leah.

The gentle breeze caressed her face as she sat next to Alex, leaning on his shoulder for support. Leah felt happy, and she was beyond thankful for it. She hadn't felt this much joy since she had last hung out with Zach and she owed it all to Alex. She looked up at him secretly to see his eyes trailing the oncoming tides of water that would lap at the sand ahead of them.

She wondered again how and why he was doing this. After showing his raw emotions to Leah in the most torturous way possible, why was he helping her breathe freely again. But she quickly dismissed her thoughts, not wanting to waste her precious time here on them.

Bad news always finds a way back to her anyway.

The sun finally set in the billowing clouds, colouring them in fiery red. Alex glimpsed down to see Leah's head on her shoulder, her eyes closed, tightly clutching his jacket for balance he assumed. He had finally made her gleeful, and even though in his heart he believed that this simple act would never repay in full the harm he had inflicted her, but at least it was some progress.

Gazing sadly at Leah, he played with her hair, careful not to stir her awake.

"I pay for your smiles with cascades of my own blood and tears, and if I was given a choice to swap, I wouldn't."

Woo! That was big. Thought it was getting too sad so here we are
Hope you all enjoy :D

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