55. My Reflection Stabs Me

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For a split second, everyone turned dreadfully quiet, owing to the glowing orange light emitting out of Leah, that shined into her every curve and crevice.

Her eyes closed, she rose into the air as though she was possessed by improbable mounds of magic, her hands vibrating rapidly as if summoning onto all the power her blood held.

Every single soul beneath her, watched her drift in the air in absolute awe; faces of some were a mask of fear and terror, whereas the captives watched in mere slyness and glee.

Abruptly, her eyes shot open. And all hell broke loose.

Leah landed on the ground with a thunderous thud, which made the ground shake incredibly. In an instant, gone was the aura that made her look feeble, and immensely vulnerable when she encountered her enemies. This Leah was different, she was surging with energy that was induced in her veins, she was finally coming to terms with what she was, with what really defined her.

Her eyes burned bright orange as she called on to her power again, and with one stroke of her hand, channeled it towards Sebastian's men, sending them tumbling to the ground one by one as if they were mere pieces of dominos.

As she walked straight ahead towards the small army of his minions, she swiftly turned her head towards the right and stared at the wall, her hand reaching out towards it, almost on its own accord. And somehow, right in that spur of the moment, Leah knew what to do.

As soon as she balled her hand into a fist, the wall detached itself and came clean off its place, leaving a mist of chalk and dirt in its wake. It hurled itself towards the vampires when Leah threw her hand in their direction, commanding the wall to fall and take with it what little number of her enemies was left.

With the assailants down, she walked through the darkened hallway, Sebastian nowhere to be seen, but the cries and pleas of his servile followers ringing in her ear like a bell. She looked around to find many of them dead, their skins horribly scorched and an abhorrent shade of flesh showing from underneath. On the other hand, those who could not yet attain the mercy of something simply painless or as quick as death, were crawling on their knees, littered in bruises, their fangs broken, nails burned to their fingertips. Begs of death emitted from them resonated throughout the whole manor.

Willingly ignoring them, Leah stormed past, each step reflecting her potential and strength, her eyes an endless hue of tangerine which paired with the orange glow she was radiating, the air around her singed with her wrath.

Her rage could shatter stars and bring the constellations to their knees. Together, her fury and his smile, they could incur the inconceivable.

As she moved away from the rubble that was now piling up because the ceiling was slowly breaking, an aftermath of Leah's immensely powerful shockwave, she could make out the silhouette of the two boys; Alex and Jay, both of who shared although similar yet different reactions to the release of her blood's power.

As Leah walked closer, Jay's brown eyes widened, and his jaw slackened as soon as he set his eyes on her, his facial features a depiction of utmost shock and a tint of fear of her. Up close, it was difficult to only feel the glee he felt when Leah's power rained down on the manor. She forced a small smile on her hot face, as an indication to him that she was still the same Leah, only stronger and not as impotent as she once was.

Her eyes then turned to Alex whose dark purple orbs were staring intensely at her, his mouth set in a straight line. For a few seconds, no words were spoken between them as they looked upon each other endlessly. In the end, giving up, as Alex's eyes returned to a hue of blue, he smiled softly at Leah, a smile so small that only she could perceive with her eyes and cherish.

'Thank you, for believing in yourself... and saving our butts.'

Despite herself, a laugh played on her lips almost naturally at his quip compliment. At that moment, Leah felt her heart beat uproariously, heard the blood rushing in her ears and cheeks and heat rising off them, all the while she held Alex's gaze. At that moment, she knew what she felt for him was more than just gratitude and grits of euphoria.

The intensity surrounding them finally dissipated when Alex stood up to help Jay on his feet. Leah averted her gleaming eyes to the ground, praying the visible red hue on her skin would evaporate before anyone of them got a chance to see it.

A piercing cry of anguish, following by incoherent mumbling tore all of them away from what they were doing, and landed their gazes at a cowering figure in the corner of the hallway. Leah's stony stare immediately recognised him as Sebastian, though his white hair were flicked with dirt and dust, and his green eyes were wild and bloodshot. Adrenaline coursed through her blood like fire as she made her way towards him, slowly, relishing each moment of the fear and panic that glinted in Sebastian's eyes as she neared him.

"I... I had b-begged you.' she said, venom dripping from each syllable as she took another step forward.

"Begged you to s-stop." In cold feet, Sebastian let out a mournful cry of help, seemingly devastated by the dark aura Leah was now giving off, the stutter almost gone from her words like the weakness in her body.

"Screamed at your d-disposal.. when you ruthlessly marked me."
Both their gazes travel to her wrist, which although was bandaged, but its presence was enough to bring a trace of regret in Sebastian's eyes.

"But you didn't listen. And now... you are going to pay."

The burning fiery in her eyes sparked something within Sebastian, for he fell to his knees in a second and screamed for his life.

"P-please... don't do this Leah. I-I never meant you any harm."

When it became evident his words would lay no effect to her, he timidly glanced behind her, and locked his eyes on Alex.

"Alex, save me. Please! Don't let her do this Alex!"

Confusion washed over Leah as she stopped in her tracks. 'Why.. is he asking Alex for help?' She turned back to see a frozen Alex, staring widened eyed at the quivering figure on the floor.

Before Leah could put two and two together, his eyes bloomed red and he growled at Sebastian, deception playing in his eyes.

"Why would I save someone who I want to rip to shreds?"

Alex gave him a glowering, intense gaze, which made even Leah shiver in dread. But what the coward said next robbed her of her power as she spontaneously lost sight of what was true and what was false.

"But... But I am your brother!"

Hello guys. Heheh.

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