22. Radaycia

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Waves of unending pain radiated through Leah, as she tried to stop herself from helplessly screaming by biting her shrewd lip, which tore up and made blood trickle from the left side of her mouth.

Blood roared through every part of her body, blinding her sight, and deafening the very little sound in the room of her creaking chair as she writhed in agony above it.

With eyes glossed with continuous tears, she looked up with something such as affliction and a glint of dejection in her eyes, anger, an expected emotion when stuck in a scenario like this, nowhere to be seen, which was only to be met by his amused eye-smile, as if it was something on the regular to him, similar to driving home after work, something one must do achieve comfort and satisfaction on the daily.

"Radaycia, one of my favourite spells, It gives me so much contentment my knees go weak with joy; the way it makes you screams as pain beyond endurance erupts in you, and the way you can do nothing but flounder and flail in the unbearable pain until your lungs fill with blood and they burst, taking your life with them."

He crouched down to her level, until his eyes were set on her twitching body.
"But you.. you are one hell of a human, all this time trying so pathetically not to show the evident pain, as if veiling it will save you from its wrath, all the while people kept adding to your torment pile."

When she didn't speak, prior to the surges similar to electricity shooting up her frail body every other second, and her unbending will to let out a pleading scream, he got up and moved away.

"Don't worry, I won't let you die so soon."

Though her vision was blurred, she didn't miss the sly smile spread on his lips when he finally walked out of the door, not wasting any effort in locking it.

Trapped in her reality, and lost in her soul, Leah couldn't help think how sweet a straight ticket to hell or heaven would be right at that moment; anything would be better than trying not to yell poorly at the constant pain spiralling through her. Death didn't come thought, but something else did. Unconsciousness.

"Leah. Leah... please get up." She felt a gentle shake to her shoulder, and shockingly,  she didn't jolt; the nightmarish pain had subsided and her body now rang with mere numbness.

"Leah please, you need to wake up!" A crack in the voice and her eyes fluttered open.

What she saw, left more than just sheer stupefaction rushing hastily through her blood vessels.

He was standing in front of her, suddenly looking too small for his all powerful and dark demeanour. His face was a mix of a frown, slightly scrunched up eyes, and furrowed eyebrows, as if all the things in the world that made him content, had been robbed away.

It almost looked as if he was about to cry.

But she didn't have the time to register with the staggering surprise of his softened expression as he was already talking again.

"I am... I am sorry."

A tear escaped his eye.

Leah collapsed then and there, her body exasperated, mind tired of decoding the trick he was playing this time. Even as she felt all her energy bleed out of her, it was a startling she could still hear him speak, he wasn't finished.

"You have gone through so much... I can't put it in words, I can't bid on your pain, and I am terribly sorry for it all."

Leah was silent.

"But don't worry.

I am here to put an end to that."

Her eyes dropped to the ground, she wasn't sure whether if she was trying to feel an emotion, or trying to hide one. As she desperately searched through her broken collection of feelings to choose the one that suited the situation he had gotten her into again, out of the corner of her eyes what she accidentally saw halted her hunt, and left her breathless.

A knife glinting in his left hand, hidden uselessly behind his back.

Her blood ran cold.
"P-please... stop! Don't...d-don't do this."
"I will... I will stop doing all of this once I put an end to your misery."

He took small steps forward, as her body flooded with an oncoming rush of adrenaline. Panic seeped in through her cracks.

She tried helplessly to loosen the bounds around her wrists and ankles to free herself.
"P-please don't do this, don't k-kill me."

"I...I beg y-you!"

Why was Leah pleading with him to take away what she had wanted, now that it had finally arrived at her doorstep? Why was she so afraid of what looked so sweet moments ago? What Leah didn't know was this was not her instinct pleading but something else, something more sinister that she was unaware of.

"I am sorry Leah."

A stab to the heart was what it took to imagine life beyond death, and Leah experienced that firsthand. She gasped for air hastily, as blood started to spew out of the large wound at her chest, where now only the black handle of the knife was visible, all of the metal piercing her. She thought back to when she was a child, but no memory seemed to resurface.

'Will I be able to see my real mother after this?' Her hopeful thoughts became the only raft that kept her afloat the ocean of death.

He looked at her, as her fight and flight left her, as her body slowly started to give way, an expression void of emotion displayed across his face, or that is what it appeared to be.

As her breathing finally slowed down and turned ragged, he moved forward and shut her eye lids. Then he turned back and briskly ambled away.


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