12. Heal Or Hinder?

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With obscured vision, the only thing she could see without the need to squint was a black silhouette and sparkling blue eyes right in front of her. Where her blue eyes displayed the ocean, the eyes she saw displayed the brightest blue there was, as if the galaxy had been lightened up.

They were mesmerising.

As soon as she was about to slip into the dark again, she could feel water running down her dry throat, quenching her thirst.

Before she could see who she was leaning on for support, sleep and weakness had overwhelmed her and soon, paralysis had taken control of her body. She was asleep again.

Hours later, she woke up to sun rays piercing her eyes with their bright light, coming from the small window in the basement. Just as she sat up, her mother descended the stairs and was now standing besides Leah.

A look at the empty glass, at a bit of distance from Leah, sent her mind reeling. How in the world had she drank water from the cup way out of her reach? Even with her hands tied? Her gaze turned cold as she stared at Leah, trying to figure out what had happened.

When nothing came to her, she gave up and untied Leah's wrists and ankles; which were now bright red and irritated, sore to the touch.
" Get ready for school", Leah heard and then the door was closed again.

A tear slipped from her eye as she applied pressure on her ankles to walk. Stumbling at every step, she somehow made her way to the bathroom.

As she rubbed her skin raw in the bath, she thought about those cold, blue eyes. Who was it? And how had they found her? Her mind started to go berserk as she tried to bring every single person she had seen to her mind.

But no one had eyes so intense, yet so beautiful.

As she walked downstairs, dressed in the longest sweater and pair of pants she had, she exited the front door, without much of a single glance towards the kitchen, where her parents were having breakfast.

Sunlight hit her face as she stepped out into the bright and windy day. The clouds  were white, and the sight of three birds soaring high in the sky clearly showed it was indeed one of the better days.

At least judging by the weather, it was.

All this time, she hadn't even given a thought to the fact that this was a new semester, which meant an increase in eyes that stared at her and voices that would mock her.

But, as bad as it was, with a heavy heart, she made her way inside the boundaries of the dreaded school and into the hallway.

She didn't even look up until she was sure she had landed just in front of Mr. Kim's office. She knocked, which was answered with a loud and clear 'Come in'.

Seated right before her eyes was the principal, a man in his thirties, who was dressed in a formal attire, a red tie completing the picture.

"Ah Leah.." he spoke before she could, knowing quite well why she was there.
"Here for your time table?" It was more of a statement as he opened one of many drawers in his desk and took out a piece of paper.

"Yes, Mr.Kim."she said finally. As she made her way to take the schedule from him, he added, "And, there will be new students this semester, which serves as an opportunity for you to make friends."

Passing her a small smile, he said, " You can do it Leah, just believe in yourself."
The reality of her being a loner was not very. hidden from teachers and the rest of the faculty. Thus, there was no point in lying that she already had friends.

She faked a smile and nodded, eager to leave.

She was standing a few feet outside the door of the Principle, gazing at her timetable when she heard:

"Look what we have here."
She turned around at the voice to see a boy, her age, with eyes a surprising shade of grey and his hair a bleeding colour of red, staring back at her.

Before she could process his personality, he ran towards her and abruptly grabbed her already bruised wrist. Tears brimmed at her eyes as she internally screamed at the pain.

Then came his mock. " Already crying? This is just the beginning for you, crybaby."

With that, he roughly pushed her down on the ground, so hard that her head came in contact with the floor first, pain shooting up her body. He walked off.

Leah's vision blurred out as her head started throbbing uncontrollably and her eyes were teary, she was sure the blow would leave a bruise.

She gathered herself in the few minutes she had, sucking in her pain and wiping her eyes.

As the door opened, several eyes gawked at her as silence fell. Which, fortunately, Miss. Eva broke. " Ah Leah, late on your first day? I will let it slip this time. For now, go find a seat and sit down."

The only seat vacant was near a brown haired girl, who looked oddly familiar. Leah took it and settled down.

'Who was he?'
'Why did he....'
'Why me?'
Suddenly, her thoughts were interrupted.
" Hi! I am Fawn!", she heard a high pitched voice from her right.

When Leah turned towards the source of the sound, she came eye to eye with the voice. The image from her nightmare flashed in her mind. The identical fairly white skin and the same dark brown eyes, which lay wide open, while blood had oozed out of her body. 'F.R.' , the bracelet had spelled.

Fawn was the girl.

Astonished and scared out of her wits, she ignored her invite and tried to focus on anything except Fawn's face. The bright pain at the back of her head now looked too inviting.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Fawn's hurt plastered on her porcelain face, but she couldn't let emotions take over. She had to keep her distance if she wanted Fawn to live.

Throughout the day, she had avoided her, and in general, every student body. But the end of the day wasn't so pleasing.

As she stuffed her books in her bag, standing by her locker, she was suddenly slammed onto the locker door, it being closed with a loud bang.

Her books went scattering as her eyes met grey eyes and a throbbing pain took over her right shoulder. The boy pushed her into the locker again, and now her eyes were watering.

She held her shoulder in pain, trying to look for someone for help, but no one was around. Therefore, she finally faced the boy smiling in front of her and mustered the courage to speak, "P-please, leave m-me alone."
"What did I... e-ever do to you?"

He merely chuckled, "It's fun seeing someone so pathetic in pain. After all, isn't pain what people like you deserve?"

Before he could make a move again, a shrill voice sounded across the hall way.
"Zach Dyson!"

Hearing it, his ears were alarmed and he sprinted away, in the other direction, before whatever teacher, could get a hand on him, leaving Leah in tears and pain.

Hope this is enjoyable, as it is. 👍🏻

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