33. Struggles Within

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Leah despised having to wait for him every night, she didn't know she could dislike something so much before, and not because it clearly indicated that she was suppressed under his control or that she would possibly face his wrath if she didn't, it was the time she had to force herself to stay up, since he never cleared up when he would be showing up everyday. But it was either staying awake, or going to sleep forever.

And no matter how petty it was of her, she did not want to die at his hands.

Although last night's facade had left her bruised and more terrified of Alex than ever, she only had herself to blame. She knew she couldn't let it stop her from finally talking to him properly, and not in broken words or pleads.

Leah had to find the truth; the truth about her, him, and about anything he was willing to tell without getting furious.

Several miserable hours later, the clock struck the arrival of midnight. By this time, Leah had sunk in front of the wall she was once leaning on besides her bed.

She was striving to stay awake and by now, her head ached terribly. Her thin braid was suffocating her head, it felt like it would burst. Therefore having no other choice, she ripped the ponytail off her braid and let her hair loose. Almost instantly, the pain in her head eased to an extent.

And then he appeared.

"I would say 'sorry I am late' but we're not friends grabbing coffee."

He walked towards Leah, and immediately noticed her hair.

Although they were messy and tangled, the way they fell over her eyes when her head sunk low, or how they perfectly contorted her bright blue eyes, almost made her look ethereal. And once Alex's state of mind returned back to his usual arrogant self, he had no idea why he had noticed all those details in her.

He turned away, and shook his head, as if that would force the thoughts away, and sighed loudly.

"Too bad no punishments tonight huh? No fun."
Ignoring the fact that his 'tonight' was way past today, she quietly stood up and stared at him, her back glued to the wall.

He seemed to be in a good mood, which made her desperation to probe him about everything she had been questioning everyday increase tenfold, but Leah knew better than to be plainspoken.

"H-how are y-y-you n-now?"

'Damn Leah, you could sell stutters at this rate.' She nagged at herself.

Her question brought a smirk on Alex's face, as he now sat cross legged on Leah's bed, in such a position that put Leah right under his intimidating gaze, even though he was the one looking up at her.

"Do you think I'll answer that?"

Leah held her breath, she very well was aware he wouldn't talk when he didn't want to, but being her hopeful, curious self, she tried again.

"Okay, don't answer that... b-but..." , she trailed off as Leah saw his blue eyes narrow at her. She was scared, but she had to take a chance. It was either now, or she would have to hold her peace forever.

"Please, just p-please tell me, who are y-you really?"

The question had barely hung in the air that Alex burst into laughter, and for the first time in genuine one; and although Leah hated to admit it, she knew it wasn't in her heart to deny the truth, it was the most melodious laugh her ears had ever picked up.

It was almost as if his own voice was harmonising with his deep vocals that reminded her of the oceans she had read about in tales, oceans that would wreck ships and drown lives. It was simply beautiful.

And when he paused, Leah knew in herself she longed to hear it more, to keep listening to the sound until her ears were damaged.

But neither was it the time, nor the request to make. Long hours of torture had made her more prone to a friendly sound, but this boy was not friendly at all, in fact quite the opposite.

Or that is what tried to show himself as.

Short, boring, and just ehh. I am sorry for this.😞

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