48. Drowning In Memories

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Leah snuggled against the blanket atop her, relishing its warmth. She would have dived dived deeper into the duvet and let the peaceful and serene sleep waft around her had it not been for a warm voice provoked her to break out of the addicting spell and open her eyes.


She was in Alex's room again, and although sleep still stirred lazily in her eyes, she could distinctly make out a short silhouette. On a clearer view, she saw an old lady preoccupied in placing a tray of food besides her and taking out what looked like small container from the drawer.

'Pills.'  Her eyes immediately widened in fear. The shake of the bed alerted the elderly's attention as she turned to look at Leah, and finding her awake, beamed a smile at her.

"Morning dearie you need to eat your breakfast.", she muttered. 

"And take your medication with it. Mas-Alex had strictly asked me to tell you to take them."

That's when Leah's mind relaxed and she briefly scanned the bedside table to find a note at the left corner, hidden from the old woman's eyes.

The similar black italic cursive looked back at her as she squinted at the parchment paper. 'Trust her... she works for me. 

And don't do anything stupid.'

An abstracted smile crept on her pink lips, as she buried the note under her pillow and glanced at the old lady shyly.

"E-er... may I know your name?"  The lady laughed lightly.

"Of course you can, I am Aria. I am the housekeeper, have been working for five years now.", she narrated as she now placed the tray in front of Leah and helped her sit up.

An idea sparked in Leah, she wanted company, and she knew she was the one who needed to take the first steps if she wanted to befriend the only soul beside her in the extravagant mansion, and not spend her time alone, wandering the corridors like a lost, ancient ghost.

"C-can I call you A-Ari?"  Leah didn't know where that question had come from in her mouth, but she was thankful the woman didn't look at her as if she had two heads. Instead she smiled at Leah, a smile that brought Leah's soul relief.

"I don't see why not."

Winking at Leah, she made her way out of the room. It had indeed been long since she had smiled at someone and talked to them as if they were friends, except Jay. It brought back memories of her time spent with Zach, and suddenly she missed him; missed his carelessly obnoxious jokes, missed his quip responses, and missed how he was always there for her, no matter the time or day.

Although Alex was here to reduce her loneliness and so was Jay, Zach was someone quite different from both of them. Whilst they protected her through their powers, Zach did so with his words; he lit up her world with them, and she missed that the most. 

After all, he was her best friend.

Afternoon came around the corner pretty quickly since all of Leah's time passed in her reading in bed. It had been a quiet day and Leah was thankful for it after the mini heart attacks she had suffered yesterday. Alex's comfort, the view, the breeze, and even though she had blacked out whilst she was gazing at the sea and didn't remember at all what had happened after, it had left her in a good mood

"Time for dinner."

Aria entered the room, again carrying a tray full of food.  "Eat up and then I'll change and dress the bandages on your wounds."

Her words brought nothing but flashbacks, of how she had ended up getting each and every bruise and cut. The minor wounds were healing, but the one on her lower body had gotten worse since the last time Sebastian had kidnapped and tortured her. She prayed it would heal soon so she could at least start to walk, if not defend herself.

Her attention snapped towards her wrist.
"Will you change t-this one too?"

"Alex told me not to touch that one."
Leah wondered why.

But her mind was diverted from thinking further about it when Aria placed a steaming bowl of friend rice and a side of deep friend wontons in front of her. However, it didn't summon Leah's appetite like she thought it would.

"Ari I am not feeling v-very hungry."
"It's almost midnight Leah, and dear God you had a piece of toast at 7 in the morning! No, absolutely not. You need to eat. "

"Please Ari. I don't have t-the appetite right now."  She begged the old woman, her hunger actually gone in the shuddering thoughts of Sebastian's tortures and his gory basement. The way he had carved out her skin, all the pain and the blood. Her stomach churned.

Though Aria's face exclaimed worry, she nodded hesitatingly and left with the tray, promising to return with the first aid kit.

Short but.... uhh... I am out of descriptions.

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