41. Please See Me

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The chamber was filled with screams and pleas of agony followed by desultory maniacal laughs, repeating as if on a loop.

Leah felt all the pain she thought she had grown numb to. Each and every part of her body singed in pain, especially her right arm which felt like it was on fire. Tears streamed down her cheeks like waterfalls, soaking her cheeks and making her head pound unbearably. She felt like dying, she wanted to. Sebastian's dagger didn't waver once from digging through her skin and cutting open her vein during her torment, even as her body writhed under him.

That carving was giving him everything, her slowly oozing out blood, a mark on her to serve as a remainder to every vampire on The Other Side that her blood was his and his property alone, and a trace left behind of his soaring surge of power.

As he finished drawing out of her what he had desired for so long, he let go of the knife and let it drop to the basement floor with a thud, and held up small vials near Leah's flesh. Blood spurted from her carving, despite her heart-wrenching, cries and dripped along her arm and down the vial. For it didn't matter, there was no heart to feel pity for her down here. 

But then, something else sounded through the thick air. Silence; something not one of both had expected. As soon as Leah's blood drops broke contact from her broken, worn-out skin and silently splashed in the vial, Leah went quiet. It was as if someone had pressed on the mute button on a television's remote control, the silence was immediate, and too noiseless.

Her limbs stopped thrashing and her eyes closed shut abruptly. It was right out of a horror movie, only if the vampire suffering from bloodlust hunched down besides her chair, busy collecting her blood had perceived the situation a bit more, he would have comprehended the danger he had put them in. Instead, bemused by the sudden and unprecedented silence, Sebastian questioned the air, not averting his eyes from the vials.

"Thank the Lord, my ears had started to ring. Finally being sensible, aren't you?", his muttering faded into the air as no response resonated back.

Only when the vials were brimmed to the top, and Leah's wrist started to cake with crusted blood, did he get up and notice her unconscious state. It confused him, but he merely waved it  away as insignificant.

What more could it be than exhaustion that made her black out?

Orion entered and walked to him, his eyes trained on Leah at first, which then shifted to Sebastian, and then back at Leah again.

"What happened to her?", his velvety voice inquired Sebastian.

"Must've grown tired of all the crying and screaming, what else?"

He replaced his shrug with a wicked smirk on his face as he dangled the vessels occupied with dark red liquid in front of Orion's face.

"I have what I need."  His voice was injected with extreme content, and Orion could sense it all too well.

  "For now."

There it was, the warning and the doubt. Before Sebastian could possibly even think of backing out, Orion growled,"Don't forget my part of the deal."

Sebastian rolled his eyes.
"Yeah yeah, take her, do whatever you want." And as if on cue, a grin stretched Ines across the brown haired's lips.

With Sebastian's last words, he unstrapped Leah from the chair and carried her insentient body to his temporary bedroom.

"I can't believe I finally have you Leah, you who even the king is after. Or was, before your guardian angel manipulated him. But all for good, for it brought me you ..." 

He trailed off as he gazed too closely at Leah's state, his fingers finding their way across the side of her forehead and slowly to her cheek.

"Finally", he lightly whispered in her ear as his hand now glided across the delicate skin of her cheekbones to her lips, tracing her defined jawline and then her collarbone. His filthy hand kept roaming further and further until it rested just above her cleavage. Somehow, even in her unconscious state, a part of her cried out in desperate need of help, in the need of being saved from her unending torture. Orion started to loosen up her tattered hospital shirt,  but it was not long before her blood was awakened. It channeled her call for aid.

And someone answered.

Just as he got up on the bed and over Leah, ready to take off her shirt over her head and abuse her in unthinkable ways, a hand warped tightly around his collar and reeled him back. He immediately assumed it was Sebastian trying to even the odds too soon, so he looked back in anger and menace, wanting Sebastian to see he made a big mistake by daring to stop Orion. 

Only to let out whimper of panic and terror before he starte flail desperately to escape from the strong crutch, because a pair of fierce golden eyes were scowling right back at him at him when he had turned back. The calm but thunderous voice teared through the tension like scissors through paper, voluntarily putting a hold to Orion's movements.

"Get... your unfortunate hand... off her."

And that is when all Orion wanted to do was to get away.

Who's here?
Hint: it's me.

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