28. Suffering

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Sounds of a door being forced open and brisk shuffling of feet could be heard in pursuit.

The voice Leah had heard moments ago let out a frustrated and an angered half-scream. That is when Leah forced herself to crane her neck up and watch the horror unfold. The boy, who had threaded her nights with terrifying punishments, was standing before her, his eyes a display of an agitated red. He looked like he was ready to make an example of someone. 

But not her.

He marched unnervingly towards the handful of minions of the white haired guy who had kidnapped her, and muttered various words which sounded somewhat like incantations to Leah from far away, all the while avoiding and dodging their weak punches and kicks skilfully, as if he had done this a couple hundred times before.

Consequently, similar to the pieces of falling domino effect, one by one, all of the henchmen in they boy's wake hit the ground, either wailing in agonising screams or begging for his mercy,

Those who remained and yet dared to stand, stood victim to his vicious fangs. He teared through their flesh like a knife through warm butter, and sunk his teeth in their necks until they were rendered dry. His unbroken demeanour was ferocious, almost savage, and it petrified Leah to pieces.

Oh how she wished she could turn back time and stop her stupid self from raising her gaze. She would have rather heard than seen. She even would have considered giving up her blood over witnessing this; she wanted nothing more than to avert them now, cink to the ground and cradle herself. But she couldn't, her body refused to obey as if frozen on the spot with her hand clasped firmly over her mouth and her eyes widened as she dealt with the fresh layers of terror that set in.

On the verge of having an internal breakdown which would make her completely incapable of processing any bit of the time she was going through, she didn't even notice the shrill shouts and the loud crashes and thuds die down, or the ice-cold grip at her hand that pulled her out of her shattering mental state.

Her body, though, ultimately hit the ground again, but this time it was different. This time, she couldn't feel the floor send shivers up her fragile body from its algid tiles.

Tears welled up in her eyes and her breath hastened as she recalled all she had seen, the events replaying in her head like a recorded TV show. She was devastated, to say the least.

Nothing and no one could describe what she felt when the same boy leaned in front of her white face, colour completely drained from her due to shock, and stared at her bloodshot eyes, with the same blue, blue eyes.

Leah's instinct, as she sent a small prayer of thanks above, acted before her and she shrank away from him, to the nearest corner of the wall.

To her surprise, he didn't inch further to her, and instead cocked his head to his side and stared at her with what looked like curiosity and a hint of worry? 

'I must be hallucinating', she told herself as she tried to calm her wild heart and pressed her tears in.

"Are you... alright?" Momentarily, out of reflex, Leah's glanced at him out of her peripheral.

But his enigma hit her harder than she had expected, and she felt herself losing her mind. Trying desperately to hush her mind into believing what she saw was nothing but a figment of her imagination was something she knew wouldn't work. But hope is a strong feeling, too strong, it was sending Leah into overdrive3. 

And the boy could see it.

Suddenly, he was too close to her and had taken her shaking arm into his forbearing grasp, almost as if he was scared one wrong move and she would fracture. For a mere moment, Leah was sure he was about to inflict her pain, so she looked away, her eyes tightly shut, and her body trembling uncontrollably.

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