44. My Blood At Fault

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"Which movie is it from this time?"

Jay smiled slyly. Having been exposed, Alex glowed fifty shades of red, which Jay burst into laughter and also cracked an unforced smile on Leah's face.

Alex cleared his throat, his blue eyes glinting in the light.

"In 'simple' words, you can save and you can kill whoever whenever you want to. But, it does come with some limitations."

Leah stared expressionless at him, not disconcerted by the fact that every good news in her life came in a buy one get one free deal with life threatening burdens.

Alex eyed Jay, explaining to him through his gesture to brace her for what he was about to say next.

"Your grandfather's death was an accident, but also a red light, it was to show you there will be dangers as you trek ahead and that you needed to gain control of your blood. The death was to let you know there would be more if you weren't careful.

But since you had no knowledge of your blood at all, or how it worked, or even what the so-called nightmares meant, you had no choice but to wave the warning away."

"It wasn't your fault, don't take it upon yourself.", he added, pitying her and her damaged self.

"The apparition triggered your blood and it sort of self-activated after years of inactivity and negligence. We don't really know how since you are a human half-breed, and there is little to no explanation about people like you, and me for a fact, on The Other Side, except myths. But this is all we could gather."

 He gestured to himself and Jay, making it clear that his best friend also knew about her long before even she knew about herself.

"Logan... if you remember clearly, he was hit by a car on your street. This point was where the mental cautions turned into physical shields."

"The car's brakes were dysfunctional. If he hadn't accidentally happened to be in its front, it would have crashed into your manor, erupting in fire and killing the driver, your family, and you."

It was as if Leah's ears were betraying her, she was hearing something she was not supposed to. That made it so hard to believe it all. Thankfully Alex moved on before she could dwell on it, he was trying hard not to give her a chance to.

"That strange man that showed up at your doorstep? You saw it in your nightmare that he was shot by a bullet wound in the chest. There was a burglar on loose that day, and unfortunately you were outside too, the very same day. If the man hadn't taken the bullet, the bullet would have pierced you before the criminal would have fled."

'All because of you', the man had uttered as his last words. It made sense now why he had uttered that in his last breath. She bit her lip harshly to stop herself from crying.

"Your friend Fawn Ray... her death was also caused by a car. It happened on the Keelside Drive. the road leading to Moorcroft Library. Perhaps you didn't see it in your sleep, but it did. You saw it later on your back from the library though, you saw her.. body..."

He trailed off, struggling with words now. In worrying all the time about how to say it and how Leah would react, he had ignored how hard it would be to say it all out in the air, so that they won't remain his thoughts anymore. They would become words with meaning, that would tear at Leah and make her fight herself to keep all her emotions bottled in if she wanted to gear the end of it.

"The driver was drunk. If it hadn't driven the car into your friend first, it would be you who would be... who would be dead. The driver ran off.

He finished, and as soon as he did, like a ticking time bomb finally going off, Leah exploded.

"You are l-lying. No. It can't be. I- I DON'T BELIEVE YOU." 

She was voicing it all, having had enough of the anger and the guilt of unintentionally cutting the noose of four people restrained inside her. Both of the boys could only stare helplessly at her as she talked to herself, yelled at herself.

"N-no... a-all of them couldn't have died because of m-me. I didn't even.. even know! Y-you're lying. you're lying to me"

She grabbed her head and rocked slightly, trying to awaken herself from a horrible dream that wasn't there.

"Leah listen to me. It was not your fault." Alex emphasised again.

"You could have done nothing even if you knew. You didn't know your blood's powers."

But it didn't work. Neither this, nor Jay's constant soothing words calmed her down now. She was screaming, and completely shattering apart.

They felt her unprecedented anger rise, which set both of them in a trance of panic and alarm. They had expected her to break down, but not this severely. And for that, they could only curse themselves.

"Jay she'll hurt herself! Go get it."

"There's no other way." 

Alex was shouting over Leah's cries of pure agony, trying desperately to grip her hands, careful of her bloody wrist, to stop her from causing herself more harm than what was already done.

Jay was back within seconds, holding what looked like a syringe filled with a violet substance. He hurried next to Alex on the bed and gently inserted the needle into Leah's arm.

Slowly, her screams faded away, and her cries muffled to nothingness. Her thrashing arms and legs went limp in Alex's hold, and her heart, from an erratic heartbeat, returned to a normal one.

Alex released her from his grip and got off from above her. He was angry, at himself for giving in and ignoring his inner voice to tell her what he did.

"I knew this would happen, this is why I wanted to keep it from her!", he yelled, his eyes tinted red.

"So what? You were gonna keep it from her till when? Till something or someone actually had ended up harming her? Or when she would harm herself without knowing what was happening to her?"

He knew Jay was being logical; how long was he going to keep it in him and let his insides hurt seeing Leah go through the pain and suffering she didn't even know why she was going through? Once a breaking point, will always be a breaking point.

Jayrick patted him on the back, trying to calm him down.
"You did what was right. Stop blaming yourself"

Alex nodded curtly, he wanted to dismiss the topic. And Jay understood.

"I cannot tend to her wounds because the anaesthetic needs time to be effective. I will let you know when I can treat her." 

"Let me take a look at your bruises in the mean time, you took quite a beating this time.", he said, shooting Alex a worried glance.

Who simply inclined his head in agreement, covered Leah with a blanket, and walked out with Jay.

Jay turned back half-way.
"Why didn't you use Amelixis on her? Why the aesthetic?"

At his question, a light purple hue bloomed in his eyes, which Jay didn't miss.

"The last time I used it on her, she was tired of everything, she was firing questions at me Jay. This time she was in pain, she was scared. She had lost all control. And you know Amelixis just induces sleep. If I used it on her, she would still be in unbearable pain, it would just be in the form of nightmares."

His eyes were trained on the sleeping Leah, who looked almost peaceful, until the door closed.

Hope you have fun reading this.🙌🏻

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