27. Unreal

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'A dream... it's a dream.

Wake up Leah, wake up!'

She breathed in as if she had just woken up from a deep slumber, and all of it would vanish in an instant, like a mere dream.

But it didn't, it was reality. A psychopath lusting for her blood while he stared her down with a wild look glinting in his eyes was, although hard to swallow, but a reality all the same.

Just about an hour ago, she was working away on an odd project, minding her own business in her own careless world, and now here she was, locked up with a boy who looked so majestic yet so despicable it left Leah overwhelmed with a tide of emotions.

Complete MADNESS.

"W-what?" She somehow managed to blurt out as endless thoughts flowed through her head at a rapidly fast pace, as if impulses jumping from one neurone to another.

"You heard me... your blood's special. Oh the things I can do and the revenges I can take once I have my hands on it." His jade eyes looked lost, as if he had dived into his realm of dreams filled  to the brim with goals he desired to achieve by obtaining her blood.

Leah was confused. "What... are you t-talking about?" She looked up, frustration beginning to redden her cheeks and ears with heat, to see his eyes grow wide momentarily before he smirked again.

"So Alex didn't run you over the beginner's guide of being... well, you, is that right?"
The mention of his name grabbed her attention faster than lightning, hearing it being said by someone in real life gave her assurance that it was his real name. I mean who else had walked in his life suddenly and made it a nightmarish rollercoaster?  It made her want to say the name out loud too.

Yearning to escape and possibly find more about Alex, she desperately tried to break free of the chains jingling at her hands and feet, as if their shattering apart would make sense of everything; why she was here, who was this crazed guy, and how he knew Alex.

"How... how do you know A-Alex?"  She didn't have the slightest clue why that was her first question, and not something along the lines of 'You tell me, what is wrong with my blood?'. Maybe it was her peculiar desire to voice the blue eyed boy's name, to feel her lips shape his name until it was out in the air, sitting between her and her capturer.

He smiled widely and Leah felt her blood drain out of her as he opened his mouth, and there they were, protruding out of his gums and standing proud, faintly gleaming in the dim light, fangs.

He was a vampire too.

"Y-you... you are..."   She trailed off as, her mind's refusal to function rendering her incapable of completing the sentence. She could barely register with the fact that she had just seen another Vampire, and sadly, the one that knew Alex too.

" A vampire, too? All the more reason to know your boyfriend, isn't it?"

If it wasn't for her life in danger, or the panic generated in her by the sheer neediness in the boy's eyes as he looked at Leah, she would have surly laughed, bitterly.

"It all adds up if you pay attention."  He shook his head in disappointment, now pacing around her.

"Your life was miserable as soon as you lost your biological parents. Hasn't it been, ever since you've been adapted?" His brow raised in question, but when Leah didn't reply, it was his cue to smirk victoriously  and continue.

"Nobody, had every let you have a moment of peace, have they?"
He was circling her now, watching her eyes lose focus.

"The living ones anyway, I know you've suffered losing the ones you've lost."
Images of the damned television blaring with the news of her grandfather's death, Logan's limp body, and Fawn's bloodied face and bracelet rushed through her head.

"Even after all that, you are still too naive to notice that these all weren't visions or just your gut feelings. It was the power of your blood."  His voice changed tone, it had turned harsh and raspy, as if he couldn't help express aggression towards a clueless, devastated child who he has been trying to teach the alphabet for the past hour.

What Leah hadn't expected coming next was a firm and unyielding grip at her chin, which forced her to yelp in pain and look into his eyes as he stared her down.

"But I am afraid I don't have time for a ridiculous autobiography. I need to get your blood as quickly as possible."

He abruptly got up and walked away, but Leah could still hear what he muttered.
"Before he comes and ruins it all."

"Bring it here, there is no time to get her attached to the extraction machine." His voice cut through the air, making her stomach twisted into knots of fear.

In a flash, he was towering over her, and gripping her arm to get her up so tightly it burned like searing skin. 
"It's going to hurt, and a hell lot of that.

I can help it, but that doesn't mean I will."

The grip on her arm tightened more than it most likely could have. Cold air now hit her wrists and parts of her ankles, someone had unclasped her chains. But she couldn't run, having already been dragged away before she might have even had the chance to sense-talk herself into looking for a way to escape the room.

Something was about to happen, something bigger than what this psychopath had planned, and Leah was unawarely sure of it.

I know this is short... sorry.😭

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