54. Havoc In Her Wake

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Leah was limping, Sebastian was forcing him to. With every step she took, it felt as if a wave of pain would radiate through her body and take with it a little bit of her remaining energy.

Alex could only watch this scene unfold before his darkened red eyes, growling lowly every once in a while when Sebastian pushed Leah, earning a worrying glance from Jay.

By time, a manor came in to view, albeit smaller and two shades darker than Alex's residence. It had only two visible glass windows from the front, both in the uppermost floor of the state. The black door was huge, outlined with branches of Ivy, which were swaying gently in the evening breeze.

Before they could enter, Sebastian's men marched ahead, forming two columns in front of them, leaving barely enough space for them to pass through one by one between the lines. This was a precautionary measure, Alex and Jay both wondered, to make their escape almost impossible.

Sebastian pushed Leah forward again, forcing her to walk through the space first, followed by him keeping a strong hold on her. Her wounds had stopped bleeding but now there was caked blood all over body. They were followed by bounded Alex and Jay who were held by more of Sebastian's acolytes, like ruthless owners holding their dogs by leashes.

Once inside, the familiar room came into Leah's view; the one where she had been constantly tortured, pinned to an extraction machine and stabbed. Her body shuddered as her eyes glazed over with tears, looking onto the pitch black walls of the room, and the same machinery at one corner of the room.

"Tie them both to that pillar securely and keep your eyes on them. Don't let them out of sight." Sebastian gritted his teeth in a stern manner, as his minions scurried to oblige and fall into place.

"And you...", he trailed off, eyeing Leah up and down devilishy.

"Would have to oblige to me."

After forcing Leah into a chair which gave her full view of her tied and slightly beaten up friends, Sebastian sailed down the row and stood in front of Leah, blocking her crude view.

"Let's get straight to the point. Give me your blood or watch them suffer till death."

Leah's bloody mouth dropped in shock, how... how could someone be so inhumane to place her at such a position, to choose between her friends or her life, to choose between life and death.

Her eyes wandered to Alex's, whose eyes although were still red but his skin paler than before. He looked tired. She talked in her mind, hoping he would hear her somehow.

"W-what should I-I do? A-Alex I-I am scared..." Her face contorted in anguish and judging by the way Alex's eyes flickered towards her, he had caught her message.

He looked at her momentarily, almost softly, before looking away to avoid getting caught by Sebastian.

"Don't... don't be scared and hold on. Don't give in, don't give your blood to him for us."

Leah looked away in pain and horror from him, averting his eyes to Sebastian who was smirking, who was well aware of the situation he had put Leah in.

It wasn't a choice at all, it was a forced decision.

"Have you decided Leah?" Sebastian asked, glancing at the boys behind him.

"P-please... d-don't d-do this."

Sebastian sighed and moved away from her, ambling slowly towards Alex and Jay.

"It's okay, I will help you choose."

He nodded at the vampires, and in moments they were on top of both of the tied boys, thrashing and clawing at them, trying to tear them apart at the same time as beating them to a pulp.

Low grunts and yells of pain escaped both their lips as they tried to take every punch and slash quietly, suppressing both their anger and pain. They knew very well that if they fought back, it would only cause Sebastian to turn on to Leah and none of them were ready to take that road.

Leah watched them getting beat with tears in her eyes, begging Sebastian to stop. Begging him to stop taking away from her the two people she valued more than her life.

Sebastian only shook his head in disdain at her, turning away from the now bloody boys towards her, looking at her straight in the eyes and pressurising her into making a decision. A decision only she could benefit from.

"Leah..." It was Alex, trying to communicate with her through his thoughts.

He breathed heavily as another punch was landed to his stomach and a scratch to his neck, but he kept his eyes, a light shade of red, fixated on Leah, as his power slowly left his body.

"Don't... Don't do it."

His mind link cut off from hers as he grunted in pain and fell to his right where a half-conscious Jay lay, his eyes hooded in pain and agony.

It was at this moment, something blossomed in Leah. Images flashed before her eyes; detailed illustrations of her parents taunting and almost beating her to death, Alex coming into her life like an angel veiled behind a devil's cloak, how he had saved her various times from her wrathful parents and Sebastian. Then the cassette in her mind reeled out the happy bits of her life, Zach's companionship, Fawn, Jay and Alex's continuous bickering coupled with the former's dad jokes. Then there was Alex himself, being her shoulder to lay and weep on, making her dark life just a little bit more happier and easier, how she had once been the one who Alex opened up to. She looked at her battered friends again, and then back to Sebastian's menacing eyes as her mind halted to a stop.

She couldn't stop it.

She wouldn't stop it anymore.

Rage flowed through her body like heat, a feeling so foreign she felt as if she had been ignited. Anger poured through her blood like molten metal and when she locked eyes with Sebastian again, she smiled.


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