29. Too Much To Bear

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Leah's head was spinning.

In Alex's eyes she was losing a battle with her own sanity, which she wasn't fated to win in the first place. Her hand reached up to steady her heavy head but she started to topple in the process, similar to a fragile porcelain doll. Thankfully, his fast reflexes allowed him to swiftly catch her arm in his grasp, and lead her to the bed. He was gentle, because even he didn't know what was about to come.

She wasn't fazed at all by anything that was happening though, her mind tangled too deep in questions and their possibilities, then the consequences and aftermaths that came with, each one playing out in her head like a scenario, and she was the unwilling audience.

Her miserable, but simple life had dissolved, slowly but stealthily, as if aspirin in water.  Coming face to face with Alex's wrath, she hadn't expected something worse to come her way.

But out of nowhere, a maniac supposedly named Sebastian was after her blood. 

Why her blood, she wondered on the verge of drowning. Why her? And why the very person who was going to reign more hell on her, had saved her, by his inhumane powers she hadn't ever conjured up in her wildest dreams?

She was lost as a person, and pinned down as a soul, in the never ending maze of imagination and reality. She didn't know how far she could go on.

Alex observed her very carefully, just as an artist would examine his art, only this time it wasn't him who had painted her in colours of fear and hysteria.

As he moved towards her to talk her out of her stupor,  at that exact point, something in her broke and manipulated her emotions and words, as if a puppeteer manoeuvring a lifeless puppet on stage.

"No! Don't touch me!" 

Her scream rang through the room, the stutter gone from her speech.

Finally understanding what was coming his way, Alex at once stood up and tried to hold her down on the bed, but the questions she seemed to shout at her boiling with something similar to anger never ceased.

"Tell me! Was he telling the truth? What is my blood? Why does he want it?"

"What more do I not know about myself?"

Tears streamed down her face as everything, from the moonlight seeping in through the window to his slightly worried looks seemed to be overwhelming her.

He was left with no more than two options; to let her take it all out, and put herself and him in danger she would have no idea about, or to quieten her down to avoid the worse that could happen.

He stood above her on the bed, trying to reach for her forehead she struggled under his arms, trying to break free of his tight hold.

 "Amelixis." Alex uttered, and his soft voice seemed to immediately lull her into sleep, as if time had slowed down, along with the rapid fire of her yells and the pained flailing of her arms and legs.

Time moved again, and he was finally grasping her limp arms.

He fixed the pillow below her head, and gently cocooned her in a thick blanket. 

Not thinking about anything at that moment, his eyes a deep purple, he started to walk out of the room after giving her one last brief look.

As he closed the door shut behind him with a soft creak, silence diffused over the entire house.

Short, but it turned out pretty good in my view.
Mainly because Alex got more part. (Huehuehue.)

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