26. Written In Red

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The antique clock, standing lonesome in the crooked corner of the library, chimed six in the evening as Leah snapped close her last book. She had been lost in there for longer than she had anticipated, and she partially blamed the location she had picked; In order to avoid Zach for the rest of her time here, she got herself cozied up in a corner near the literature books where she made sure no one was lingering around. And now, finally the realisation of returning home was dawning on her. 

Not that the vampire fiasco took a lot of time, it just lasted for 45 minutes max.

She opened the door to her house, to be greeted by fatal silence and overwhelming darkness, but Leah nowhere as near sensed it, as she quietly made her way upstairs without even a single glance towards the pitch black hallway. She was too dazed from all the research she struggled to do.

Before even daring to clutch the doorknob of the still broken door of her room that her parents hadn't questioned for some odd reason, she glued her ear to the wall, and listened intently for any sound of movement. After minutes that passed in eerie silence, she decided she was alone, not only because she couldn't feel his presence from behind the door, but because she also hadn't heard a single sound from down the stairs either, indicating her parents' absence.

She made her way in and plopped on her bed. She had only decided to close her eyes for a bare moment, and lay her thought-laden head on the soft pillow of her bed; had she realised she would fall asleep and wake up tied to a cold pole, she wouldn't have made the mistake to even enter her room.

 Her hands were not the only parts rendered futile this time; her eyes were forced shut by a cloth tied firmly around them. the cold metal of the shackles of her ankles made her shiver, which consequently made them clink, the sound resonating through the quiet room before fainting. 

Leah's body roared with blood, and her nerves twitched in anticipation as she heard a door being opened and closed not very far from her. Fear had been injected in her, whether by her consciousness or by force, but it didn't matter once it had been induced in her.

She was terrified.

After what felt like an eternity, a pair of footsteps walked with confidence towards her, her heartbeat threatening to shoot. She was her most vulnerable at this point, because right now, she knew anything was possible.

Then Leah suddenly felt the blindfold slipping gently from her eyes and falling into her lap. She didn't dare open her eyes though, she wasn't sure if it was fear or her reaction to it.

But she didn't need to worry about opening her eyes after all, as she felt two fingers jerk open each of her eye, like a doctor would of a senseless patient, making her gasp. As her vision cleared and she shook out most of the salty water, she was taken aback by a pair of startling jade eyes staring back at her, coupled with the most wicked smile she had ever seen.

"Hello Leah."
His voice was cheerful, and filled with joy

When she didn't answer, he threw his head back as if out of an animation, and chuckled, making a low noise in his throat.

"I am pretty sure I didn't ask someone to cut your tongue did I?"
Instead of responding to his quip remark, she found the surroundings of the room she was held in far more interesting, trying her hardest to to cope with the situation she was stuck in.

The interior was doused in blue, deep and dark like midnight. It was accompanied with four chairs made of blue velvet, and felt curtains which contrasted them.

Even the pole to which her ankles were tied, had dark blue silk glued to it.

he spoke again, and his voice brought her eyes back to him.
"How are you feeling Leah?"
He lowered himself, so he was sitting on one foot, right at Leah's eye level.

She couldn't help but notice his features; he had hair as white as the first snow of winter, and the jade shade of eyes complimented his hair more than she would like to admit. A small pointed nose and thin lips completed the picture.

Looking at him struck a feeling similar to deja vu in Leah, she somehow remembered seeing him before, or someone like him.

When he stood up again, his figure tall and lean, Leah's mind finally clicked.

He looked just like the hybrid boy.

"I-I would b-be okay if.. if you let me go."  Her hushed but audible voice was enough for the boy to prepare an act of deceptive surprise.

"Finally, she has spoken. Rejoice, everyone! "

He was a madman, and she had been forced into learned helplessness, she knew begging with him to let her free was never going to work, so she trudged the waters carefully.

"Why... why did y-you bring me here?"
"I didn't bring you here love, at least not by myself."
His immediate answer made it evident he had repeated this conversation several times in his head. And the way the words easily slipped from his lips made her sure he wanted to play with her.

"And you... you have been brought here for a very special reason."
His eyes twinkled with something resembling mischief and ..hatred?

"P-please... let m-me go!"  Sick and tired of going through the same torment every single day had duly put Leah on a trial, a difficult one at that.

He burst into laughter once again, but this time it was different. It sounded more fake than the last one, and it made Leah want to lose any hope she had of getting out of this circumstance unscathed.

He wasn't very good at displaying fake emotion, but he was good at making fake emotions look fake.

"You are in no condition to make demands Leah. Let's skip the introductions already and get to business, shall we?"
"No! Free m-me! Please, I-I won't t-tell anyone..." Leah trailed off as realisation dawned that she had no one to tell, no one to call for help.

"I will let you go, of course I will."
He strided towards her with large steps almost, almost giving her meagre hope that he was going to set her free of her bounds.

But as he stood one step away from her and leaned, his face an inch away from hers, she knew she was far away from the freedom she was seeking.

"But not until I have what I need."
"And... and w-what is t-that?"  She whispered, almost dreading the answer.

He narrowed his eyes, and stared hungrily at her trembling figure.

"I want your blood, Leah."

Sorry for the late update (again :(  ). I promise to be better at this.
And yeah, we are halfway there woo.

Ps. getting it out there is dskugiudgw but ye Imma kpop stan :D feel free to gimme song suggestions~

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