38. Purpose

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Night had fallen. It was as if she had blinked awake, and millions of stars had invaded the sky, which itself was now a mesmerising navy blue. It truly was magnificent and completely different from the night skies in her world. Compared to this sky, her world's skies were bland, with a few stars twinkling here and there in rarity.

Jay had just checked in on her; informing her of how assiduous he was with his patients, and couldn't spare more than a moment to chat up with her. It was alright with Leah, supposing she knew how hard it must be for him to take supervision of yet another patient, knowing how it must become arduous once it had to be done everyday. Also she trusted his words, even if she was confused on whether the reason of her trust was Alex's words, or just Jay's naturally reassuring tone and the  aglow smiles.

She still couldn't move without support, as unevaluated movement would make pain would rise in her stomach or accidentally open up a stitch or two, so she was bound to the bed which had the omnipresent smell of antiseptic, all the time. Boredom ate at her insides like leeches would suck blood. 

The only positive aspect of her puncture wound was that Alex didn't threaten her to stay awake at night times anymore, now that he knew she needed all the rest she could get. Or maybe he had just changed. 

Only time would tell.

Her bruises except the knife wound were almost all healed, the purplish blue colour slowly, but surely fading from her wrist, ankles and any other body part that was battered that came in Leah's vision. She felt as if everything was starting to be okay, and that for once since her visions had started, she could finally feel at ease.

Her dulled perception skills didn't sense the danger ahead this time.

About halfway through the dark night, she had fallen asleep, finding herself in constant state of weariness owing to the heavy medicinal diet she was on. 

But her relaxation wasn't for long as it was, because someone barged right through the door of her room  approximately five minutes later.

At the loud impact, her eyes flew open, reflexive instincts made their way through her central nervous system to her body, and she immediately sat up, ignoring the seething pain that followed suit, and looked around her, wide-eyed.

To her right, a girl in her twenties with a worry written over her face came into view; she was wearing a nurse gown with blue gloves while a cap was perched on her head, doing a poor job at covering her neon red hair. She looked too precise and too pristine for her next words.

"A fire has broken out on the seventh floor and they are evacuating patients to the parking lot. I am here to rescue you! We need to move as quickly as possible, before the fire spreads to this floor." 

Her distressed voice and fearful eyes made Leah want to believe her, but she heeded to Alex's warning, well aware of the consequences her own decisions had brought her.

"N-no!"  Leah stuttered out.

"Where is Jay?"
Her answer came fast, way too fast, as if the redhead  knew this question was going to be thrown her way. Or maybe Leah was just reading it into it too much, and the poor nurse was just exasperated.

"He sent me to get you. Dr. Jayrick is shifting patients from the ICU, therefore he couldn't come get you."

While Leah was lost in thought, rebelling with her mind on deciding whether to trust the peculiar nurse, or just wait for Jay to come get her and risk getting burned alive, she didn't notice she was being strapped by her ankles and arms quietly to the bed.

It seemed she wouldn't have to choose after all.

Her bed had begun to move before she could make up her mind, her hesitation and creeping nervousness blinding her to notice her trapped self, and the crisis she had unknowingly gotten herself into.

It was dark in the hallway, barely any luminous sources lighting their way. An eerie quiet overwhelmed Leah's senses as not a sound from the patient rooms they passed, nor the blaring fire alarm could be heard. 

Leah was more confused than ever.

If a fire had broken out, there ought to be more commotion. Why wasn't the alarm going off? Why was the fire sprinkler system not in effect already? Where were all the patients, and all the staff? Were they the only ones in the building? Had everyone else already evacuated? 

The questions raced through her head like lightening, washingfear and the horror of the unknown over her. She wanted to scream for help, she wanted to thrash around because somewhere in her mind, she knew she was being led to her doom, but she couldn't; her arms and legs were limp, her mouth dry, and her breath caught in her throat. 

She was done for.

A small smile played on the nurse's lips as she glanced at Leah's disheveled state, picking up speed. Her plan had followed through.

Heck yeah, let's go. I am always after the main characters for some reason.

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