23. Never Alone

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"Why the hell did you make her hallucinate Alex?!" 
"She needed to be taught a lesson she didn't learn the first two times."

A long sigh.

"How heartless can you be? You put her in The Cube first, and then used Radaycia on her! And now you go and make her believe she was stabbed?"

"Come on Alex, you aren't like this. This is not you!"
"Yeah, I know... but I have to be like this... for her own sake."

Leah gasped loudly as if she was just anchored to the top of the ocean she had been mindlessly drowning in, whilst holding her breath, for what felt like forever. She coughed, and her dazed eyes shot right to her clenched heart, which beat hastily in affirmation, assuring her that she was alive and breathing,

Only when the door of the room she was in shut close, did she raise her gaze to see the boy she recognised as one of the voices standing in front of her, the owner of the other voice having closed the door and left as soon as Leah woke up.

Now that she had overheard the conversation, she couldn't help but question the room she was in; was it a hallucination too? Was it some sort of trick her mind was compelled to fall in due to the boy watching her, curiosity evident in his eyes, just to fulfil his twisted desires?

Her thoughts were immediately answered.

"No. This is not a game your mind is playing on you. This is not your room though. We couldn't risk taking you to any place we know."

Dead silence for a handful of seconds, as Leah tried to figure out what to say.

 "Enough thinking. Time to get you home."

Before a word could leave her lips, he had grabbed hold of her hand, and was now plunging her from wherever she was, to the room she was familiar of, the only room she had little peace in. Her bedroom. And then she was alone again.

Leah's head was spinning, she slipped and fell, fortunately on her bed. Past hallucinations, sudden teleportation and the reveal of so much more had more than one effect on her.

Besides total exhaustion, one of these effects was illogical thinking.

The one and only thought that was running through her head, was so insignificant, she was dumbfounded.

She now knew his name, whether he liked it or not.

But, this was not all. She also knew of two more of his powers. She winced as the ghost of the unimaginable pain made her shiver, the memory of that dreadful spell eating her inside out.

Sleep was impossible this time.

Having gotten tired of the endless staring at her ceiling, she sprang out of her bed; even though her clock only chimed 4 in the morning, she had to get her mind off things, and by things she meant someone, and by someone she meant him and only him.

Though her life had been worse than hell since his arrival, but there is one thing she couldn't help but deny.

'I haven't seen one nightmare since I saw him, at least not the nightmares where people died horribly."

At the recall, her grandfather's face was the first that sparked in her mind, followed by he first ever friend in this miserable place, Logan.

Fawn's memory flashed by, she had enjoyed quite a small amount of time with her, but it was blissful, almost euphoric, before life snatched her away from Leah too.

It was no surprise she clung to Zach's company, and held it dear to her life.

Leah snapped into reality, and tore away from her overwhelming thoughts. After a quick wash, and a fresh select of clothes, she checked the time.

5:00, and she was sure the shower had only takes mere 15 minutes.

It was Sunday, which meant she could go to the library. Although she was well aware that it didn't open till 6, but she didn't, for one more second want to drain her brain over her ruminations.

She was sure they would have included the depleting amount of tortures her parent subjected her to, and the increasing amount of 'lessons' taught to her by a half breed she barely knew, and who was the one person she had heard him converse with in her apparent dream? 

And most importantly,

Was the boy's name really Alex, or not?

As she tiptoed down the staircase, sure her parents were not awake yet, she tried to erase all that would disturb her mind, and in whole, her entire day; as if the memories were words of a mere marker on a whiteboard, which she could wipe away whenever she wanted.

The opposite, it was difficult as hell.

As she strolled to the library, a chilly wind blew right towards her, the wind's slap at her face as sharp and cold as ice.

Something was wrong with the morning. The sun had yet to come out, but it almost could be confused for dark, if not for Leah's present senses. A storm was brewing, again, judging by the light pitter-patter of the rain that had-out of nowhere- started and was definitely going to turn into a downpour.

But Leah couldn't really pay attention the weather. She struggled to keep her feelings at bay. Her mind was swarming with images, flashes of glimpses of Alex's eyes. Oh how terrified she was, when she had first seen his eyes dive into a shade of red. How was she to know, that black was more, far more worse than red?

'Blue... it seemed like his normal eye colour. But then again, I was so wrong about red too, and it turned out to be my loss, didn't it? But now I know what colour to be terrified of, to try to avoid at all costs. That is, if I even can.'
She sucked in a sharp breath.

'I don't want to experience that again.'

She shuddered at her own thought, aware that the frosty breeze had nothing to do with the sudden chill that ran down her spine

And similarly, how was she to know she had much more to see?

Experience cannot teach you that.

Of course I was not going to kill my main character, how old do y'all think I am, five?

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