39. Alliances And Agonies

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The bed landed with a thud on the parking lot of the hospital, sending a ripple of pain down Leah's abdomen, and willing her to open her scared eyes. And to her utter surprise, she saw what she had expected to seen, but the shock was still too much to register.

The few streetlights that illuminated the road allowed her to see a bunch of trailers parked on the right, and a handful of cars on the left, but not a single human, or well in this case, creature in sight. The parking lot was completely barren, except her and the nurse, and what seemed to be two silhouettes standing far away, hidden in the shadows.

It all made sense now as to what had happened, and what was happening. Panic drove Leah on edge as she struggled with getting and crawling away from the terror rising in front of her. When the straps that bound her came into view, she froze, and then shook in fear, knowing her escape was now impossible.

She looked up with pleading eyes at the nurse, making her last effort to save her soul. The redhead was maniacally speeding the bed towards the two dark figures standing across a streetlight, a van parked beside them, its door open in waiting.

"P-please...please don't d-do this."

"Please let m-me go."

Although her returned stammering caused hindrance, she was sure the nurse had heard her nice and clear, because a smile stretched across her puckered red lips.

"I can't do that. They are paying me good for you." Leah's fervour feeling to escape almost left her at that point; she was going back to the same place she came from harmed, and knowing this time she wouldn't be able to protect herself no matter how much she would try because se was sure he would only come back more prepared, her end was inevitable.

At least that is what it seemed to her.

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes seeing the familiar basil green eyes staring at her and the thin lips smiling wickedly.
"L-let me go, y-you bastard!" , she screamed, not finding the will in her to beg her freedom from him. It never worked, never with anyone.

"Oh! Feisty, aren't we?" The same calamitous voice rang in her head that she despised more than her life. Her anger was finally seeming to catch up to her.

"Thanks love, you've earned this."

If it wasn't for the peculiar voice coming from Sebastian's side, Leah might have completely forgotten he was accompanied, and by the looks of it, with someone who had dark brown hair which completely hooded his eyes. He was smiling, and handing a satchel to the nurse who had kidnapped her. The boy winked at her, and she blushed, waved him goodbye and then ran into the night, the satchel hovering in the air behind her firmly in her grasp.

Her soul grew weary; as if Sebastian wasn't enough to threaten and torture the living daylights out of her, he had brought company with him.

"Like our alliance Leah? We consider you our lucky charm."

"You know why?"

Leah didn't want to, but she knew she had no say.

Sebastian took a step forward, and hovered right over her head, glaring into her blue eyes.

"It's because if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have thought of combining our powers and attaining what we need with ease. After all, two is always better than one, right ?" He smirked devilishly and Leah felt sick.

She opened her mouth to scream, to yell as tears wind up in her eyes finally. There was a moment where she briefly wanted to knock him out by moving her head up suddenly, but she knew that would only end up hurting, in ways more than one. She was in desperate need of aid, of some one other than herself.

But Sebastian clamped his hand around her mouth, locking her in place before she could make any voice or move. He whispered closely, "Not today sweetheart, I came prepared."

His snow like hair ruffled in the slight breeze as he looked up at the mysterious ally he has brought. He handed Sebastian something shaped like a tube That was the last thing she saw.

And a "Goodnight" was the last thing she heard before she felt a sharp pain in her neck, and her vision immediately blacked out.

A throbbing pain that almost overloaded Leah's sensors of pain woke her up, the pain getting unbearable to suffer through. She cried out a groan as she tried to move and alter her position, but to her despair, found her hands and feet strained by chains stabbing into her flesh. As she lay on the freezing floor, wriggling and moving every so often to shift her body to ease the pain a little bit, she questioned where she was. Her sight couldn't adjust to the darkness owing to the fact nothing could be seen at all, not even a speck of light.

The room smelled of metal, and faintly of blood. The feeling of monachopsis nagged at her insides, and soaked her with anxiety and fear; but Leah stood her ground, she willed herself to hold back and to not dare to break down sobbing in an unknown room where she was brought by her enemy, to cry and show vulnerable emotion where it wasn't needed, where it would not be tend to.

Goosebumps ran down her body from the cold, since one whole of her body was plastered on to the chilly floor. Soft creaking of a door slightly opening could be heard. Before enough light traced its way to her eyes, two figures slipped in and the door closed again, much to her terrible fate.

Then all too suddenly, she was being blinded by a burning white light. And then she could see, so clearly she wished she had kept her eyes shut in the first place. Because the horror that unfolded before her eyes was enough to make her go white in fear.

"Do you like my basement? I designed it especially for difficult people like you. The Chamber Of Torture, I like to call it."

Sebastian's voice induced with poison somehow seeped in to her ears through the terror her eyes were witnessing, and rung havoc within her.

The pair finally ambled slowly in Leah's view, and smiles of victory immediately shone on their faces as they feasted their eyes on Leah's bound, exhausted form. They could see how vulnerable she was now, how easily they could break her when they wanted.

The hungrily devilish look the strange man besides Sebastian was looking with stripped her bare of the timid amount of confidence she had, leaving her on the brink of spewing emotions everywhere.

"Now that you are finally up, let's have some fun, shall we?"

Okay... *leaves*.

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