Chapter 1: Dimension Travel

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Harrys POV

I hate myself, its all my fault Sirius is dead. If only I had listened to Snape, Sirius would finally be a free man.

Even with Ron and Hermiones company, I refuse to join their conversation. They never comment on me being quiet or never speaking. I'm traveling back to hell, to an aunt and uncle who never loved me. They hate me and my abilities. Before I turned 11, they knocked me about and made me take care of the house. By some miracle I was able to write, despite no one teaching me. When my aunt and uncle found out magic is forbidden is when the whipping began.

Ron is too self centered to notice and I think Hermiones only with me because she feels sorry.

Im way too quiet, and I blame my uncle for that. Vernon taught me with an iron hand to never speak until spoken to.

I didnt know by following his rule, would have me watched closely by the Hogwarts staff. I only answer questions when called upon. Somehow, I attracted Ron and Hermione by my side.

Ron wants to share my fame, he told me how hes overshadowed in his family of 6 older brothers. Hermione only wants a quiet friend who will let her study. None of the girls in her dorm room can ever shut up the gossiping.

Ron and Hermione are across from me, sitting on their own bench. Their heads are close together. I smile slightly at the sight. I know the two of them love each other, yet they dont see it.

"About time we see you smiling, mate." Ron commented.

I shook my head and pulled out a book. I wished I didnt have to go home. If only Sirius were here, he had the power to make ne feel loveed like ive never been, not that Id admit that to him. With him gone, im as alone as I ever have been.

I know Remus blames me for another death of his best friends. Sirius is the second one killed because of me. The Order wants nothing with me, im just the famous boy whos a burden to those around him. No wonder Dumbledore wants me to return to those Muggles, so I can continue to be minipulated by him.

When the train pulls into the station, I cant help but start shaking. But I knew early on, not to show how weak I am. I came onto the platform and watched as parents embrace their children. My eyes prickled with tears, how I wish I could be one of those kids!

I walked through tbe barrier to the Muggle side. There, I saw Vernon with his usual menacing expression. Here I go, the savior of the wizarding world, who needs a savior of his own

I walked up to Vernon. "Boy!" He spat.

I didnt answer.

"Move freak!" Dudley shoved me forward.

The ride to Privet Drive was what I expected. Lucky for me, I shrank my trunk before I got off the train. I made a point last summer to get a new trunk; one that shrinks and enlarges on its own. My new trunk shrinks to the size of a watch.

The Dursleys dumped me in my room and locked me in. Seconds later, Aunt Petunia slipped my list of chores under the door.

"You start in 5!" Aunt Petunia screamed.

Do my chores, or I get beat up by Dudley or worse; Vernon. Dont do it, Vernon whips me.

My uncle is a merciless monster. Im taken out of my room at 7 and locked back in my room by 9. He took the abuse even worse now, Vernon thinks I tried to kill his son, as if!

The next day, I accidentally burned their meal. He pulled me by my hair and forced me over the kitchen counter.

I knew what was coming, then I felt it. My uncles leather belt made contact with my bare skin. Every time the belt hit me, I didnt scream like I used to. I only squeezed my eyes shut.

"Off to your room!" Vernon bellowed after what felt like forever. I ran out of the room like my life depended on it.

I tripped over Dudleys outstretched leg. I fell on my face, my glasses shattering under the contact.

"Are you going to cry for your mummy? Where is your mummy Potter? Is she dead?" Dudley mocked.

I got up on shaky legs only for Dudley to knock me back down.

"Are you going to fight back, Freak?" Dudley sneered.

I walked up to my small room and collapsed. I hissed in pain, when the welts on my back hit the matress.

I turned onto my stomach and closed my eyes for a minute. If only Sirius was alive right now, hed get me out of here.

It was obvious Vernon hated me for trying to "kill" his precious normal son. As soon as I heard the stairs creak for the last time, I shrank my trunk, it held everything; from clothes to all my textbooks. I slipped my wand into its wand holster I got.

I left the house, the Dursleys would rejoice me leaving. Hopefully, I wont ever need to return. My back is stinging in pain from Vernons belt, and my shaky legs were getting worse. But I knew to keep on moving, the Dursleys would hurt me more if they found me out here.

Once I was a safe distance away, I felt the aching longing for my family. To my surprise, I felt as if I was being squeezed through a tube.


Alternate world overview

Remus Lupin was taking a final sweep of the castle before going home to his wife and son. Suddenly, he heard sobs, who was crying? It sounded like a boy. But thats impossible all the students, minus his two nieces had just left on the train.

Remus came into the classroom to find a boy around his niece's age. "Can I help you?"

The unknown boy looked up at Remus, making the man gasp. "Go away Remus!"

The man was surprised the boy knew his name. Sure all the students loved him as a teacher, but he wasnt sure about popularity contests. The boy himself looked achingly familiar, where had he seen this kid before?

"Who are you?"

The boy scoffed, "Remus, you were never a thick headed person. You know me!" The bpy growled in annoyance

"Im sorry, I dont, should I?" Remus asked feeling confused by this strange boys attitude.

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