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~Fae's POV~

"Aleesia!" My mom yelled at me from downstairs, calling me by my middle name. For someone who had said she liked the name Fae so much, she rarely ever called me by my first name. It was always Aleesia, for whatever reason.

Wanting to be quick so I didn't make her mad, I hopped out of bed and rushed down the hall, eventually finding her in the dining room while she was eating breakfast with my dad. "Yes?" I asked, peering over at her curiously. She frowned a little when she saw the state I was in, dressed in my pajamas even though it was only one PM. "Don't forget that you have school in the morning, okay? Is there anything you need from the store before your first day?" She asked, raising a brow at me curiously. I smiled and shook my head, biting my lip. "No, that's okay. I'm good, mom." I assured, earning a light smile from her.

"Alright, then." She hummed, going right back to eating her food. I relaxed, realizing she didn't want me to do the dishes or something, and then turned and walked back to my room. As I entered, my eyes scanned over the sight, appreciating how nice my own bedroom was, even if it was all white. Most of my friends thought it was too much white, but...I liked it, honestly. It looked neat and pretty. My floors were a light, light brown that was more like a tan color, and I had my bed pushed up against the very corner of the top right of my bedroom. That meant it was to my right when I came into the room.

My bed was white and had a little flowy skirt that hung down around the edges of it, the sheets white with little brown flowers across it. I had a fuzzy white blanket and an array of different sized pillows, some fluffy, some with sequins, some just plain. On the floor in the middle of my room was an all white rug that was really soft and furry, so it was nice to walk on. There was a window right beside my bed, which I had my nightstand set in front of. It didn't really do anything in terms of making it difficult to see it, since it was a somewhat short nightstand, but my objective wasn't to block the window anyways. I just needed somewhere to put my nightstand, that's all. On said nightstand was a little lamp that I often used for reading when it got dark and my bedroom light was off. Even though she knew I wasn't going to bed, mom had this weird tradition of lights out by nine PM. She didn't care if I stayed awake, but she wanted the lights out. So if just use that lamp to read.

Towards the front of my room, right across from my window, was my dresser and TV. I had my dresser decorated with my favorite perfumes, a deodorant, and my lotion. There was also this really cool jewelry box I had that was decorated with seashells, even on the lid. It was indescribably pretty. To the left side of the room were the doors to my bathroom and my closet, both of which I was very lucky and grateful to have to myself. All along my walls were white fairy lights that I had strung up, since I loved the way that they looked.

I also had hand drawn butterflies on paper and then made them into origami butterflies, the pretty little pieces hanging from my ceiling on string. They hung above my display shelves and on either side of my dresser, almost all of them different butterfly species. Lastly, in the upper left corner of my bedroom, I had the two display shelves up against the wall that had all of the pretty shells I'd collected over the years. Shells were really pretty to me, though I couldn't say why.

Right as I was about to go and sit down on my bed, I was stopped. "Aleesia!" My mom yelled for me again, causing me to sigh in frustration and spin around to leave. I frowned and hurried my way down the hall, knowing I'd better get rid of my slight attitude before I got there. If I gave my mom attitude, even a little, she'd give me that look. The look of a mom who's about to kick your ass for giving her attitude.

When I reached my mom again, I forced myself not to sigh in annoyance and instead gave her a light smile. "Yes?" I asked patiently, running a hand through my black hair. Mom looked up at me and smiled, the words she uttered next sending a pang of disappointment through me, even though I knew what was coming.

"I want you to clean the kitchen."


I woke up feeling nervous the next morning, even if I knew that there really wasn't any reason for it. I'd grown up in this town and I had good friends at school. It wasn't like I was walking into a place I didn't know without anyone to talk to, but every year I always found myself growing anxious for the first day.

Regardless, I forced myself to climb out of bed and I headed into the bathroom, sighing. I knew if I wasn't done getting ready at a certain time, I'd definitely miss the bus and I couldn't afford that. If I missed the bus, I'd be left to walk to school on my own and I didn't feel like it, not when it was early in the morning and the school was twenty minutes away on foot. At least it was getting colder, though, I suppose. That way, it wouldn't make me sweat buckets if I ever did end up having to walk home.

Once I got out of the shower, I quickly went ahead and did my makeup, applying my cut lashes to my eyes. Because I had a slight monolid, due to the fact that I was half Filipino, I had to specially cut my lashes into just the right shape. Sometimes I even had to make my own because I hated the way that they looked on me, but only sometimes. It wasn't hard to cut the lashes, of course, but I always hated having to make them into the ones I wanted. That was why I hardly did it anymore, though it was also because I'd learned just how much to cut off and how to apply my lashes so that it flattered my eye shape.

After I finished doing my makeup, I swiped on a clear, shiny lipgloss and looked at myself in the mirror, happy with how I looked. My black hair was still just a bit damp, but I knew it'd fall in waves once I brushed it and it dried. My tan skin was covered with foundation and I loved how the gold highlight I had on looked on me, the way it shimmered in the lights. My cheeks were nicely swiped over with blush, as well as the tip of my button nose, and my dark brows were sharp and defined, like my jawline. I had a pair of false lashes framing my dark brown eyes and my full lips were perfectly glossy. I felt good!

Smiling to myself happily, I got up from my bed and began to put my makeup up again, making my way into the closet afterwards. I knew that the bus was going to be here within maybe ten minutes, so I was quick to pick out an outfit. I couldn't be late, especially not on my first day. What kind of person was even late on the first day of school, anyways?

I decided on wearing a pair of light denim shorts with a black belt around the waist, tucking a soft sweater into it that was a light, pretty yellow. Over the top, I pulled on a flannel that was black, brown, light yellow and white plaid. The combination of colors sounded pretty ugly and weird, but it was actually cute. Lastly, I pulled on a pair of black combat boots and made sure my necklace wasn't tucked underneath my shirt as I grabbed my backpack. I always hated having my necklace under my shirt, for some reason. After I checked my bag to be sure I had everything, I quickly ran out of my room, turning the lights off as I went. Mom would be mad if I left it on.

Waving goodbye to my mom, who was sat on the couch as she put on her shoes, I rushed out the front door and to the bus stop, ready for my first day.

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