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~Fae's POV~

"Hello." I greeted Axel as I entered the art class and reached the group table, taking my seat and pulling it out. After what had happened on Monday with Luke, I learned not to take his seat anymore because it seemed Luke was the type who got what he wanted, even if it was something as simple as a certain seat that someone else was sitting in.

Axel looked up from his phone and smiled at me, sending me a light wave. "Hey." He greeted back, running a hand through the dark strands of hair on his head. I went ahead and sat down in my chair, scooting in beneath the desk. My bag lightly thumped against the top of the desk table as I set it down there in front of me, peering over at Axel as he turned his phone off and shoved it into his pocket. "Texting your girlfriend?" I teased, causing him to roll his eyes as he shook his head.

"You know I don't have a girlfriend, idiot." He chuckled, that charming smile pulling up on the edge of his lips. I snorted and playfully kicked him in the leg, crossing my arms over the top of my backpack as I leaned into the table. "Sure you don't." I laughed, grinning at him. I was sure he didn't, not because he wasn't able to get one but because I had no doubt in my mind that he wouldn't lie to me about something as trivial as having a girlfriend.

He shook his head again and rolled his eyes, but there was a small smile on his lips that told me he wasn't actually annoyed with me whatsoever. I grinned back at him and sat up a little straighter, not wanting to be just hunched over like I'd been. "I'm only teasing you." I said to him, giggling softly when he just scowled.

Mr. Thomason suddenly shut the classroom door once the bell rang to let everyone know that they should be in class now, the sound of the door closing signaling to us all that it was time to shut up and listen. I sealed my lips shut at the same time as Axel, both of us directing our attention to Mr. Thomason when he turned towards the class. He looked over the room, a paper in his hand, and then he marked something down on it. I assumed perhaps he was taking down the attendance.

When he was done, he set the paper onto his desk and turned back to us all, crossing his arms over his chest. "Today you guys at just going to be decorating your portfolios. You'll have your first name on the front and can decorate it however you want, but make it school appropriate." He said to us, his words causing Luke to sigh as he sat up. It'd already been a week since we started school and today was Monday, meaning everyone was to have their poster boards and sketchbooks in by today. I wasn't too sure if Luke had either of his, to be honest, but it wasn't like it was really any of my concern because he and I weren't friends. Heck, I was pretty sure he didn't even like me.

"Fae, your table can get their posters first." He said, peering over at the table I was sat at. We all got up, even Luke, and quickly grabbed our posters before sitting in our seats again. It seemed Luke actually had ended up getting his poster boards after all. As I scooted in beneath my chair, Mr. Thomason allowed the other tables to begin getting theirs as well, this time by two tables at a time instead of just one. I set my poster boards in front of me, looping my backpack over the back of my chair instead of leaving it on the table, though only after getting a pencil out of it.

I first began with sketching out the outline of my name in big block letters across the front, which really wasn't that hard, nor did it take me that long since my name was literally only three letters. When I did finish with doing that, I swiped away the pencil eraser shavings on the poster and sat up, wanting to see it better. Not to my surprise, the letters weren't perfectly even, or at least the 'e' wasn't. It sort of slanted down, so I decided to completely erase the 'e' and just do it over. Luckily, I never used a lot of pressure because of situations exactly like this. If I didn't like the way something looked and I needed to erase it, at least the mark of it having been there wouldn't ruin the poster. I hated that.

The Art Of Love / l.h ✔️Where stories live. Discover now