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~Fae's POV~

A little while after Axel had left on Thursday night, I exited the bathroom, changed into a pair of white boxers that had a pattern on it of a bunch of snow men's faces. My sports bra was a simple gray one and my black hair fell naturally down my back, my face washed, teeth brushed, and I was all ready to go to bed.

What I was surprised to see when I left the bathroom was Luke's large figure just lounging on my bed. I blinked in surprise and blushed, feeling the natural urge to try to hide my body from his eyes when he looked over at me, but I fought against it. He still had yet to have seen me naked before and, even though he'd touched me and seen me this exposed to him before, I still wasn't used to having someone see me like this except for me. I was trying to get used to it, though.

I let the bathroom door swing shut behind me as Luke's eyes trailed over the length of my curvy body, a little smile pulling up on the edge of his lips. "You're so cute." He chuckled, a happy glimmer in his eye as he looked over at me. The way he was looking at me made me blush hard and I bit my lip, stalking over to my bed and crawling in. I felt the softness of my blankets under my knees, my mattress sinking under my weight as I sat beside him. "What are you doing in here?" I asked, noticing he had only his boxers on, which is what he always wore to bed. He smiled and pulled me down into his arms, cuddling up with me. I realized he was beneath my blankets already and smiled to myself, shifting as I tried to get myself under as well.

Luke lifted the covers for me, letting me slip beneath them before he dropped the blankets back over us and pressed closer to me once again. A soft giggle left my lips as he kissed the top of my head, pulling me up against his warm body with his strong, long arms around my waist. I loved the feeling of being held by him, how safe and secure it made me feel.

I felt him playing with the ends of my hair and I smiled, letting my eyelids flutter closed as I slipped a leg between his. "Still not gonna tell me what you and Axel painted?" He muttered after a moment, his voice a little slurred. It was obvious that both of us were falling asleep, my eyelids feeling like dead weights as I tried to open them. "No." I yawned, burying my cheek into his bare chest. He yawned back at me. "Why not?" He whined softly through his yawn, squeezing my bare waist in his hold. I felt my eyelids weigh even heavier as I again tried to open them, though to no avail. I was definitely going to be falling asleep soon. "Because tomorrow is Friday. I'm sure you can manage to wait a couple of hours more before you get to see it." I mumbled.

I heard him grumble in disappointment, but I was too far gone. I slipped off into a deep sleep.


When morning came, Luke woke me up with the feeling of his fingers softly brushing along my core through my underwear.

Still not completely aware of what was happening, I let out a soft moan and rocked my hips up into his touch. His full lips kissed my shoulder softly and I felt his hand suddenly squeeze my ass...hard. I squealed in surprise and my eyes opened, now wide awake. He chuckled and playfully bit my neck. "It's time to get up, Fae. You completely slept through the alarm." He hummed, a little smile on his lips.

I groaned, still feeling the warmth in my face from how he'd been touching me just a few moments ago. "Dang it." I mumbled tiredly, not happy about that. It felt like I had only been asleep for five minutes but, sure enough, it was five AM when I looked at my clock. That meant nine hours had passed by.

A sigh left my lips and I crawled out of my bed, expecting him to follow me so he could leave to have his shower. He didn't, though. I stared down at him and he stared back at me, seeming to be lost in thought. "Aren't you going to leave so you can shower?" I asked, frowning in confusion. He smiled softly and sat up, looking up at me with a thoughtful look on his face. "I-I was actually wondering if maybe we could shower together." He suggested hesitantly, surprising me. I blinked, very taken aback by his words. I was so surprised by that that I just stood there like a moron, staring down at him without even answering his question.

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