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~Luke's POV~

I woke up on Sunday morning in Fae's bed with a little moan, feeling cold air hitting my warm skin. Then, I processed the feeling of something wet on the head of my cock, which made no sense. I'd definitely fallen asleep in my boxers, as far as I could remember.

A soft groan left me as I shifted my hips, feeling little rushes of teasing pleasure shooting through me. I forced myself to open my eyes, my cock fully hard as I looked down and saw that my boxers were on, but they'd been pulled down enough to get my cock out. Next, I realized Fae was my reason for everything that was happening when I processed that my little dove was sat between my spread thighs on her knees, her tiny hand around the base of my thick cock. Her pink tongue lightly licked against the head of my cock, but she never sucked it into her mouth.

My head fell back into the pillows, the strawberry scent of Fae surrounding me as she watched me from her spot between my thighs. I could feel that my breathing had become much heavier as I rubbed my eyes, much more awake now that I had my girl clearly wanting to suck my cock. When I finally gathered myself, I sat up onto my elbows and looked down at her while she licked softly at my tip yet did nothing more. It was so fucking cute that she clearly didn't want to go any further than this without having approval from me. I softly brushed a hand through the black hair that fell around her shoulder, sending her a little smile. "I could get used to you waking me up like this." I chuckled, subtly telling her I wanted it.

Fae seemed to get the message because she smiled at me and my cock throbbed at the sight, her full, pink lips wrapping around the head of my cock. The second her mouth was around me, I grunted softly and watched impatiently as she began to bob her head to take more of me down her throat. Her eyes wandered over my torso, watching the way my chest heaved and my stomach clenched at the feeling of her mouth. When she had my cock down her throat, her smooth tongue swirling around my shaft, I groaned and sat up more, leaning onto my elbows. Her eyes glanced up at me and I swear I could've come right then, the way her mouth glided along my cock and the working of her tongue soft and teasing.

I reached out to her and pushed her hair out of her face, holding it back in my fist while she stared into my eyes. Her dark lashes fluttered as she peered up at me, a little smile on her lips when she pulled back, sucking still. "God. You're so beautiful." I groaned, wondering how the hell I'd gotten so lucky.

She giggled softly and pulled away, her small hand pumping me while she caught her breath. The sound of her giggle made me chuckle softly and I scanned my eyes over her figure, realizing that she must've showered already because she wasn't wearing what she was when we fell asleep. She'd changed into a pair of red, lacy panties and a matching bra that showed off her beautiful figure. "Are you wet for me, Fae?" I murmured as she began to lower her mouth onto my cock again, my words making her cheeks flush pink. Regardless, she softly nodded, causing me to smirk down at her. In turn, she blushed even harder.

Her head continued to bob, that smooth tongue of hers swirling and lapping over my cock. I could tell how much she liked sucking my cock by that glint in her eyes, the way she peered up at me and would clench her thighs every time I'd make a noise. It made her so wet and I could tell. I fucking loved it.

"Shit," I cursed breathlessly, glancing down at her breasts as they practically spilled out of her bra. She hummed lightly against my cock and sucked harder, that little smile still on her face as she bobbed her head eagerly. "Fuck, Fae. You like sucking my cock, don't you?" I groaned, holding her hair tighter in my fist. Her brown eyes peered at me through those long lashes as she nodded and I chuckled shakily, watching the way my cock glimmered with her saliva. "Yeah?" I hummed, beginning to guide her head down my cock faster. "What a good girl. So fucking good." I muttered, throwing my head back as she placed her hands lightly on my thighs. All of the sudden, I felt her hand softly cup my balls, causing me to hiss in pleasure and lift my head. "Fuck." I growled, looking down at her.

The Art Of Love / l.h ✔️Where stories live. Discover now