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~Fae's POV~

When Monday morning rolled around, I forced myself to get out of my bed, knowing that I had to wake up Luke so he could get ready for school. Even though I had told him many times that he could just set his alarm to wake himself up, he had repeatedly refused. For some reason, he wanted me to wake him up.

I frowned as I quietly pulled open my bedroom door, hearing it softly creak while it opened. Making my way out of my room, I gripped the doorknob to Luke's room and quietly turned it, pushing the door open. I decided to keep the bedroom light off since the natural light from outside was streaming in through the window, so I could see easily and didn't really need to turn on the lights. When my eyes landed on his bed, my lips rose in a tiny smile as I left the door standing open and creeped my way towards his bed. My hair dangled down over my shoulder as I leaned over him like a weirdo, peering down at him.

His messy curls were somehow looking cute while he had his head buried into the pillows, the soft looking strands lightly resting on the black pillowcase. Some had fallen over his forehead and across his cheek a little, but he still looked so cute.

Deciding I should probably wake him up and quit staring at him like a weirdo, I poked him on the shoulder once or twice. At first, I just waited patiently to see if he'd respond, peering down at him, but he never moved or anything. I frowned and then patted him on his cheek, just hard enough to wake him up, or that was what I'd thought. Even with me patting him on his face, the guy was still dead asleep. He hadn't moved even a little. "What the hell?" I mumbled, frowning. Who was this heavy of a sleeper?

Not feeling in the mood to screw around and waste time, I grabbed his shoulder and shook him roughly. "Luke!" I exclaimed, wanting him to wake up already. This time, he rolled over, a groan leaving his mouth as he buried his head into the pillow. "Go away, Fae." He complained, acting as if he hadn't insisted on me waking him up. If he wanted me to do that, then that was what he was going to get. "No way. You'd better get your butt up before I make you." I warned, leaning over towards him with my knee on the side of his bed. "Oh, yeah? And what exactly are you going to do, little dove?" He muttered back, his voice muffled by the pillow his face was buried in. I hesitated, looking down at his bare back as his long arms were up, leading to his hands beneath the pillow his head laid on. I didn't know what to respond with because I wasn't sure.

"I'll...kick your butt." I lied, narrowing my eyes. Even I knew that wasn't something I could do. Not only was he much bigger than me, but I had absolutely zero clue about anything to do with fighting. Violence wasn't something I approved of.

Luke chuckled as he turned his head to the side, his cheek now in the pillow instead of his face. The sound was low and husky from having just woken up, causing an odd heat to rise in the pit of my stomach. "I'd like to see you try. Go ahead." He said, a little grin on his lips. "Well, I cant. I..." I trailed off, trying to think of an excuse. "I haven't stretched yet. I could pull a muscle." I tried, my words causing him to start laughing. His shoulders shook as he buried his face into the pillow again, muffling his loud laughter. "Oh? Is that so?" He grinned, rolling over onto his back as he peered up at me.

The sheer amusement in his face made me blush and I nodded my head, glad that I had made sure my face didn't look like trash before I came in here. "Yes, so I'd like you to get up." I insisted, placing my hand on the headboard. He just smirked and shook his head. "No, come on. You said you'd make me get up, so why don't you?" He teased, causing me to narrow my eyes at him. "Fine." I scowled, getting up and grabbing the blankets. Before he could stop me, I ripped the blankets off him, causing him to snicker as I realized that he was wearing nothing but his boxers. My cheeks flushed but I ignored it and grabbed his leg, beginning to attempt to tug him right off of the bed. He laughed and didn't even budge, grinning as he looked down at me, his blue eyes glimmering.

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