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~Fae's POV~

The next day, I found myself waking up early, early enough that the sun hadn't even began to rise yet. It was still dark outside my window and in my room, but I laid on my back and stared up in the direction of the ceiling, looking at nothing.

All I could think about was the fact that Luke was supposed to be staying at my house for a month. A month. I couldn't help but to wonder if Luke had known about this yesterday and, if he did, why he didn't mention it to me at all. Really, he hadn't even made the slightest hint or anything towards it. Then, I wondered if it was possible that his dad hadn't even told him yet. Somehow, I wasn't sure that I could buy that, to be honest. I mean, I didn't know Mr. Hemmings whatsoever, but it didn't really make sense to not tell your kid that when he was the one who'd be living in another person's house for a while.

As I stared up into the darkness, my limbs sprawled out beneath my blankets, I frowned to myself. Mom obviously had no idea that Luke and I knew one another, even after the way I'd reacted yesterday. At first, I'd been very much against the idea of a boy coming to stay with us, but I became much more compliant with the idea now that I knew it was just Luke. He kept to himself and didn't really bother anyone. He also wasn't a giant pervert like so many boys my age, so that was a plus as well. Well, he didn't seem like one at least, but who really knew what went on inside that head of his besides him?

Even so, mom had been very clear to me that I was to make Luke feel welcome here, though I doubted that it would've mattered if I didn't. Luke was the type to make himself feel comfortable in whatever place he went to, no matter the circumstances. However, I didn't think that was necessarily a bad thing.

I sighed quietly to myself and sat up when I decided I should probably take my shower now, knowing I took a while to get ready. It was only about five thirty now and I usually got up around six AM, so I didn't really think there was much of a point in trying to go back to bed. I crawled out of bed and headed into the bathroom, starting up my shower so the water could heat while I brushed my teeth. After I had finished taking my shower, I got out and went into my bedroom in my towel, carrying my makeup in my hands. When I sat on my bed with my makeup in front of me, I then took the time to begin getting ready, the sun slowly beginning to come up outside my window.

By the time that I finished doing my makeup, the sun had fully risen and was streaming into my room through my bedroom window, lighting it up with the natural light from the sun. I put up my makeup and then pulled on a pair of matching undergarments that were soft pink and lacy, brushing my hair out after they were on. I decided to do loose curls in my hair instead of leaving it in its normal state, the curls spilling down my back. After I finished curling my hair, I got up and headed into my closet to search for an outfit.

I searched through my clothes for a while before I decided on wearing a little dress that was a grayish-blue color and had light beige lace along the bottom. The straps were thin and the bottom of the dress was flowy, my cleavage slightly exposed from the semi plunging neckline. Feeling like my body was a little too exposed, I pulled on a cardigan that was a matching light beige as the one on the dress. When I had the cardigan on, I grabbed a pair of Oxford shoes that had a thick heel that was about four inches tall. They were beige and had white laces. I fled my closet and stalked over to my dresser, putting on some deodorant and perfume as I would usually do. Lastly, I put on a different necklace, this one dangling a little lower than my other one.

Deciding that this was good enough for me, I grabbed my backpack and left my house, heading towards my bus stop at the end of the street. I waited patiently until Ms. Harding came rolling down the street towards me, entering in the opposite direction once again. As the bus rolled to a stop and I was forced to walk around the front of the bus to get to the door, I wondered if this was just the way that she was going to be doing the route now. I didn't mind that, of course, but I would've liked if it just remained the same.

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