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~Fae's POV~

I got out of bed on Monday morning and, after I'd successfully woken Luke up, I returned to my room to take a shower. A sigh left my lips as I stepped beneath the hot water, feeling it stream down onto my skin and relax my muscles. Even though I had only been awake for about ten minutes or so now, I was already feeling tired and tense, as if I'd been awake all day. It didn't help that I woke up with pain in my back, either.

After I had showered and shaved, I got out of the shower and dried off, pulling on the bra and panties that I'd brought with me into the bathroom. When I had my bra and underwear on, I hung my towel and grabbed my makeup caboodle that I had under the sink, heading into my room with it. I sat on my bed, beginning to do my daily makeup routine. My hair was still damp on my back, but I paid it no mind, leaving it down to dry on its own. By the time I finished putting on my makeup, it was just about twenty minutes after six AM, so I knew I needed to hurry up and get dressed. Luke and I usually left the house to go to the bus stop at about six-forty AM, so I had only twenty minutes to find an outfit and do my hair.

Feeling like I had to hurry up, I practically bolted out of bed and put all my makeup away, swiping some deodorant on in the bathroom. I brushed my hair out, knowing it was still a little damp since I had not yet brushed it. My hair was so thick that it took forever to dry, unless it was brushed while it was wet, but I hated doing that. I always tried to let it dry on its own, or I'd blow dry it if I really needed to.

Once I brushed my hair, I was glad to see that my hair fully dried down within five minutes, so I began to curl my hair with my straightener. I made sure to do it so that the curls were loose, not liking the way that I looked when my hair was done in tight curls. Something about it just didn't look appealing on me, or at least in my eyes. A satisfied smile rose on my lips as I finished doing my hair, unplugging my straightener from the wall and setting it down on the sink. I softly played with my hair, loving the way my hair looked in loose curls. It fit me even better than my natural hair, quite possibly.

"You look beautiful." Luke's voice suddenly spoke up out of nowhere, causing me to squeal in surprise and spin. I turned to see him standing in the bathroom doorway, leaning against the door frame. "What are you doing in here?!" I exclaimed, trying, and failing miserably, to cover myself. His lips pulled into a little smile. "It's nearly time to go, Fae. In fact, we have about five minutes until Ms. Harding is supposed to come driving down the street." He answered, eyeing me closely. I gasped and suddenly didn't care that I was only in my bra and panties in front of him curiously deciding it didn't matter to me anymore because we were going to miss the bus if I didn't get dressed quick. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?!" I exclaimed in a panic, racing past him and into my closet.

I heard the sound of him chuckling while I eagerly looked through my clothes, eventually forcing myself to pick a very casual but cute enough outfit. I pulled on a plaid skirt that had the colors black, brown, yellow, and green for the plaid colors, the skirt a little tight around my hips. Still, it was cute, especially with the big brown sweater that I had, which was cropped, so I didn't have to tuck it into my skirt or anything. Lastly, I slipped my feet into a pair of black Mary Janes that had a buckle on the ankle and platform soles.

I left my closet and was glad when I saw Luke turned the bathroom light off for me, grabbing my backpack from where it sat at the end of my bed and slinging it over my shoulder. A soft pat on my butt as I leaned over to grab it made me blush, turning to send him a scolding look that he just chuckled at and left my room. I followed him and we walked down the hall, heading to the bus stop, which we got to just as Ms. Harding was pulling up. Luke sent me a victorious smile and I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms over my chest as I followed him up the bus steps.

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