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~Fae's POV~

I laid in bed on Thursday night, still feeling weird now that Luke wasn't staying at my house anymore. It felt different. More alone, especially when I woke up in the morning and realized I didn't have Luke to wake up anymore. Or at night, like now, when I didn't have to force him to go sleep in his bed in the guest room.

As I stared up at the ceiling, the bedroom lights off but my fairy lights on, I heard my phone softly ping while it laid on my bedside table. I sat up and reached over, grabbing it from the nightstand so I could see who was texting me. Not so surprisingly, I saw it was Luke, who was asking if it was okay for him to call me. I called him in response and he answered the call within seconds, causing me to smile softly. "Hi." I said when he picked up, rolling onto my side with my phone held to my ear. "Hey, dove." He hummed, the sound of his voice sending chills down my body. "What are you calling for? It's pretty late." I wondered, as it was nearing one AM. "Well, what are you answering for? You weren't asleep, either." He retorted smartly, causing me to giggle softly. "I was just curious." I defended.

Luke hummed softly through the phone. "I couldn't fall asleep and I was thinking about you." He said simply, making me smile a little. I liked knowing that he thought of me. "How sweet." I teased, eyeing the fairy lights that hung on the wall above me. "I actually miss staying with you." He confessed a moment later, letting out a soft huff. I paused and bit my lip, still staring at the white lights. "Why's that?" I asked quietly, curious. I was trying to be as quiet as possible, not wanting to wake up my sleeping parents, even if they were all the way down the hall. They liked Luke, sure, but mom didn't like me being on the phone this late at night.

"Because now I have nobody to sleep with, if I wanted to. I don't even get to see your face when I wake up. It's some bullshit." He complained, causing me to snicker. "At least we'll see each other when we get on the bus in the morning." I said optimistically, wanting him to have something to look forward to, even if it was something as simple as getting on the bus. "I'd better see you there." He muttered back, sounding like a pouting little kid. I rolled my eyes and buried my cheek into my pillow cases. "I actually miss having you here too, you know." I admitted, biting my lip. I hadn't thought that I would miss him being here so much, especially because I obviously knew that he couldn't just stay here forever. It didn't work that way.

At my words, Luke chuckled softly and I smiled at the sound. "Do you?" He asked softly, his voice tentative. I played with the fabric of my blankets, biting my cheek. "Yeah. I wish you were still here so I could kick you out of my room and make you sleep in yours." I mumbled, causing him to laugh loudly on the other end of the phone. It was so loud and so sudden that I flinched in surprise, holding my phone away from my ear. I hoped he didn't accidentally wake his parents up or something. He was that loud. When I put my phone back to my ear again, I heard his voice again, laced with amusement. "That's the only thing you miss?" He wondered, chuckling.

I couldn't stop myself from giggling in amusement, grinning even though he couldn't see me. "Of course." I teased, rolling onto my back when my arm started to fall asleep. He snorted softly, like he doubted that very much. "You don't miss my kisses in the morning?" He challenged. I bit my lip and flushed at the thought of his kisses, the way he held me so tightly against his body and the softness of his full lips. He was the only guy I'd ever kissed, but I didn't have to kiss anyone else to know that he had the best kisses. I'd never tire of him kissing me, and I knew that very well. "No." I lied anyways, wanting to have the last word here. He wasn't going to be getting the best of me, not this time. A chuckle left his lips and rang through the phone line, filling my ears.

"You don't?" He asked, pretending to sound hurt by my words. I hummed in confirmation and nibbled at my lip. "Nope." I whispered. He paused for a moment and I stayed silent, waiting for him to say something. I assumed he was probably thinking of something, so I waited patiently.

"What about my fingers? Do you miss the way my fingers play with your little pussy? The way I get you soaking wet?" He practically purred through the phone, causing my whole body to heat and my panties to dampen. "What?" I squeaked, very taken aback. That was the very last thing I would've expected him to say. He let out a soft, husky chuckle that made me clench my thighs together tightly. "You heard me." He said simply, like it was no big deal to him that he was saying such dirty things to me. And over the phone!

"I-I..." My mouth and mind both betrayed me, unable to come up with anything to say back to that. It wasn't unusual that he spoke dirty to me, especially when he was touching me, but it still caught me off guard sometimes. Especially if we weren't doing anything sexual. "What?" He hummed back playfully, clearly amused with my stammering. "We both know how much you love it when I touch you. You get so, so wet for me, little dove." He practically groaned through the phone. The sound was erotic and sexy and way, way too much for my poor body to handle. My toes curled as I squeezed my eyes shut, trying hard to fight against becoming turned on, but I knew I was. "Stop it!" I gasped, blushing.

Luke snickered and, instead of stopping, he just kept right on. "Or maybe you miss having my cock in that pretty little mouth of yours, hm, Fae?" He teased.

I gasped and clenched my thighs together tighter, hardly able to stand the ache that he was forming. I shook my head, knowing there was only one way to put an end to this. "I've gotta go to bed. Bye!" I blurted, a hot blush in my cheeks as I heard the sound of him laughing his merry ass off.

I hung up the phone and, after a while, fell asleep with an ache between my legs.


On Friday afternoon, Luke and I got on the bus and went to the back to our seat, sitting next to one another. "It wasn't very nice of you to just hang up on me like that last night, you know." He hummed, letting me slip into my seat first, but only because I'd gotten on the bus first.

I looked up at him and frowned. "You were the one saying dirty things to me." I huffed, causing him to snort and shamelessly shrug his shoulders, a smile on his full lips. "And?" He said, raising a brow down at me. I bit my lip and blushed, looking up at him with a frown on my lips. "I-It..." I stammered out, fiddling with my fingers. "Turned you on?" He finished, a knowing look in his blue eyes that embarrassed the life out of me. It had, but I shook my head in denial and looked away, not wanting him to know how much he'd really affected me.

Judging by the way he smirked at me, it was clear that he already knew. "Don't lie. I bet your little pussy was all wet and throbbing for me." He chuckled, shaking his head. I clenched my thighs and tilted my head up to look at him, feeling my core swim with desire. Never before had it been so, so easy for my hormones to kick in, especially not like this. He knew just how to get a reaction out of me, and it took so little each time. He hardly had to even touch me and it would still end up with me dripping wet, desperate for him. I was a complete and total weakling.

"N-No, I wasn't." I stuttered, mortified that he and I were talking about this on a bus full of people, but that didn't seem to phase him whatsoever. He didn't care. "Liar." He chuckled, softly nudging my knee with his. I just stared up at him hopelessly. His fingers crept up my knee and along my thick thigh, making his way higher and higher until his fingers were almost beneath the bottom of my skirt. I didn't say anything, but I could feel my core dripping as I remembered the other time he'd touched me like this. "So if I touched you, I wouldn't find you wet? I know you're thinking about my hands between these pretty legs of yours." He purred, squeezing my inner thigh tightly. Arousal sat deep in my core and I bit my lip hard, fighting a whimper. "No, you won't." I answered, staring him in his eyes. I knew it was a lie, but I wasn't going to admit I was wet, even if he did touch me to see for himself.

"Looks like I'll just have to see, huh?" He chuckled, a glint in his eye. I wondered briefly if he could feel the warmth that was between my legs, but I didn't ask. I just waited anxiously for him to touch me like he'd said he would, to make me cum like I wanted him to. Like I knew he would.

When he slipped his fingers underneath my panties, I didn't protest against it. And when he found me wet, just like we both knew he would, I said nothing about it.

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