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~Fae's POV~

Luke must've been actually looking forward to us hanging out together because I found myself being woken up the next morning by the sound of my bedroom door creaking open. My eyelids tiredly fluttered open as I registered the sound of soft, sneaky footsteps walking towards my bed, as if to see if I was awake.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, my blanket falling down as my eyes landed on Luke's tall silhouette standing frozen in the middle of my room. Because I had my curtains and my blinds completely shut, there was no light in my room, making it hard to see anything except for shadows. Luke must've noticed my silhouette now sitting up in the dark because a small silence passed. "Sorry, little dove. I didn't mean to wake you." He muttered a moment later, sounding sheepish. Still feeling too sleepy to process anything that was happening, I just groaned and rubbed my eyes again, like it'd help me see better in the dark. "Is that you, Luke?" I yawned.

He was silent for a movement, but I could see him growing slightly closer to me. "Yes. It's just me, Fae." He assured me in a gentle voice. I held my blanket tighter and pulled it closer, looking up as his figure casually crawled into my bed. "What are you doing here?" I muttered in confusion, shifting over so he didn't accidentally sit on my leg. He paused for a second and then got comfortable beside me, his knee touching mine. "I...couldn't sleep and I was bored. I mean, I guess I was just hoping that we'd be able to hang out, but I see you were obviously sleeping. Sorry about waking you." He said softly, lightly brushing his fingertips against the fabric of my blanket, right over my knee. "No, no. That's okay." I assured quietly, feeling a blush enter my cheeks at the warmth of his hand as it seeped through my blanket.

"But...isn't it like nine AM?" I muttered, completely unsure. I had no way of telling right now what time it was, being that I'd just woken up only moments ago, so I was just guessing. Luke softly moved himself closer to me, his shoulder brushing mine. "Actually, no. It's close to one PM." He corrected, surprising me. I hadn't thought it was this late in the day. Normally I didn't sleep so late. "Really?" I asked, suddenly much more awake than before. The surprise could be heard clear in my voice, my brows raising on my face. I was sure I looked a mess, being that I'd just woken up, and I found myself being grateful that he couldn't see me. That'd be humiliating and embarrassing. I wasn't ugly without makeup, but in the morning....Well, I could've given Shrek a run for his money. It was that bad.

"Yes, really. You've slept for quite a while." He said, chuckling softly to himself. My cheeks warmed in embarrassment and I sat up more, scooting back up against my headboard. "Oh. Well, I guess I should probably get up, then." I decided, biting my lip. I watched him as he slipped out of my bed, his large silhouette walking towards my door. "Where are you going?" I asked, unable to help myself. His head turned in my direction before he stopped just a little in front of the door. "To turn on the light." He answered, shrugging his shoulders. I went to go to very quickly try to tell him not to turn on the lights, not wanting him to see me, but I wasn't quick enough.

My bedroom light flicked on and I squealed, quickly pulling my shirt up until my head was ducked inside my shirt, hiding my face. "No!" I exclaimed, keeping the neckline of my top over my head. It was a good thing that I'd decided to actually wear a shirt to bed last night and not what I usually went to bed in, which was generally just a pair of boxers and a sports bra. If I'd worn that, I'd be doomed right now. Not only would he be seeing more of my body than I'd be comfortable with, but he'd be able to see the atrocity that is my face in the morning.

It was completely quiet for a second, so much so that I actually began to wonder if he had left my room without telling me or even making any noise somehow. Then, however, he spoke. "My god, your hair looks like a rat's nest." He said, sounding very appalled and yet also amused.

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