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~Fae's POV~

Around three more weeks passed before I allowed Luke to come back over to my house, the end of the year slowly approaching day by day. He and I walked down the sidewalk after we got off the bus, heading in the direction of my house.

"I can't believe that Christmas is coming up." I said, looking up at him. Time felt like it had gone by so fast, and it did. He and I had already been together nearly two months now, but it felt like just yesterday was the day he'd asked me out. "I know. It snuck up pretty quick. At least we have Christmas break now, though. That means I can come to see you more." He grinned, pulling my body into his side with his arm slung around my shoulder. I giggled softly and looked up at him, smiling. "I think I'd like that." I admitted, reaching up and playing with his fingers that brushed across my arm.

He and I walked up my porch and headed inside, locking the door behind us as we headed inside. I led him to my bedroom and dropped my backpack on the floor beside my bed, which is where I usually put it after school. Luke tossed his backpack down beside mine and flopped onto my bed, his broad frame taking up all the space. I pouted and yanked his heeled boots off, tossing them to the floor so he didn't get any dirt on my white bed. I'd be so upset if that happened. I liked my things nice and neat.

Next, I kicked off my own black doc martens and was left in my shorts, which was a little distressed along the bottom, and my light blue sweater that I had tucked into my shorts with a black belt around my waist. My sweater had a picture of the different types of sea turtles and, for once, the sleeves fit me perfectly. I had my hair left down in loose curls, my hair swaying as I crawled into my bed and Luke grabbed my wrist, pulling me on top of him. A little grin tore up onto his lips as I straddled his lap, peering down at him with a brow raised. "You take up too much space." I pouted, but he just chuckled. "It's not my fault your bed is made for dwarves." He retorted, causing me to send him a look. "Are you calling me short?" I asked, frowning. I'd have liked to pretend I wasn't short, but as I stood at only five-foot-three, I knew that I was. Even so, I didn't appreciate it being pointed out, especially by my giant of a boyfriend.

"If the tiny shoe fits." He teased, grinning playfully. I smacked him on his chest and he laughed, grabbing my hand and trapping it in his larger one. He yanked me down, his other arm slithering around my waist so I couldn't get up if I tried. "Hey." I pouted, my brown eyes locked with his blue ones.

Luke ignored my pouting and pulled me down into a kiss, his full lips moving against my own. In a split second my mood had switched, reaching up to softly tangle my fingers into the back of his hair as I kissed him back eagerly. I felt my body flood with warmth as I felt his free hand reach around to grab my hair in his fist. A little moan left my lips as I kissed him harder, a need pooling low in the bottom of my stomach for him. It felt like it had been so long since he'd kissed me like this, like he wanted to rip my clothes off. We just hadn't had much time together because of all the finals we'd had before break, so I had had to study a lot to prepare. Sure, we'd kissed obviously through the weeks, but it never got to go farther than that. God knew I wanted it to, though, as I'm sure Luke did, too.

Our kiss quickly got much rougher, his hands wandering down to the back of my bare thighs as he groaned against my lips. I felt shivers shoot down my spine and goosebumps rose on my skin at the sound, holding his hair tighter in my hands. He slid his hands up my thighs until he cupped my ass in his hands over the jean fabric of my shorts, the both of us breathing heavily. As I felt him bite my lip, I moaned and instinctively rubbed myself against the bulge that I felt had formed in his pants. His hands squeezed tightly at my ass and he grunted, biting my lip with the hopes of me opening my mouth. I did so, letting his tongue snake into my mouth to play with mine. While his tongue fought with mine, battling for dominance that we both knew he would win, he suddenly whined into my mouth and I giggled back.

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