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~Fae's POV~

The next day, Luke came knocking softly on my bedroom door at around eight PM, causing me to look up from the drawing I was working on. I shut my sketchbook and slid out of my bed, stalking over to my door. Instead of opening it, I just stood there in front of it, listening in to the silence on the other side. "Who is it?" I asked, knowing very well who it was who stood on the other side of the door, waiting for me to open it.

There was a pause of silence after I spoke. "It's Luke." He answered, only confirming my suspicions. I'd known that it was him. After a moment of hesitating, I yanked open my bedroom door and tilted my head up to be able to meet his gaze. His blue eyes met my dark brown ones and a tiny smile rose on his full lips. It was adorable. "Hi." He greeted lightly, eyeing me closely. "Hi." I said back, biting my cheek. I let go of the doorknob and my door swung open all the way, exposing the interior of my bedroom, which he had already seen by now. "You can come in, if you want." I said, turning around and heading back over to my bed in the upper right corner of my room. The skirt along the bottom of my bed tickled my calves as I sat down on my bed, barely able to touch the floor with the bottom of my feet.

Luke entered my room, but he didn't come and join me on my bed. He first took his time in examining the contents of my room, as if this were the first time in my room, though it wasn't. However, he had only been in here once, while I'd been in the shower. That was the only time. When he finished looking around at the surroundings of my room, his gaze landed on me while I sat on my bed, patiently waiting for him to say something. For him to tell me why he was here. It wasn't that we didn't talk or anything when we were at home, not at all, but I wasn't really used to him coming to me out of nowhere like this. Plus, it was getting a little late. I'd have to turn my lights off soon, being that mom didn't like the lights on in the house after a certain hour of the night.

When he didn't say something and instead just looked at me quietly, I decided to be the one to break the silence. "Is there something wrong?" I asked, cocking my head to the side. He seemed to snap out of his head at the sound of my voice because he blinked and then slowly shook his head. "No, no. Nothing's wrong." He assured, pausing for a second as if he were thinking of something. "But I wanted to talk to you about yesterday. Our kiss, I mean." He admitted, still standing in the middle of my bedroom. At the memory of the kiss we'd shared, my cheeks involuntarily warmed and I softly nodded. Part of me didn't want to talk about this, but that was only because I was a little scared that he would completely disregard everything that had happened between us. What if he wanted to just pretend like it had never happened? I don't know how I would react to that.

"Okay." I responded calmly, even though inside I felt like my heart was about to leap up into the back of my throat, where I would then throw it up onto the floor in front of me.

He eyed me closely and I spotted the slightest little traces of nerves passing through his face, showing that he was feeling the same way as me. If I'm honest, knowing that made me feel a lot better. I was able to relax a little bit, but my heart still raced anxiously in my chest. "I-I really like you, Fae." He confessed after a long pause of silence, wiping his palms on his jeans. It seemed his hands were getting sweaty because he was so nervous, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it cute. "You do?" I asked, furrowing my brows. He liked me. But did he like me as purely a friend, or more than that? "Like....as a friend?" I hesitated to question, my voice shy and soft.

A cute grin formed on his lips. "Yes, I like being your friend," He affirmed, nodding his head. I felt my heart drop in disappointment and a frown took over my face, unable to hide how upset that had made me. But I was the one who had asked, and now I had my answer. He liked me as a friend. So why did he kiss me yesterday?

The Art Of Love / l.h ✔️Where stories live. Discover now