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~Fae's POV~

I arrived at Luke's house after maybe a ten minute walk, glad that I had asked him a few days ago which house he lived in. I knew the street he lived on, since I went down it whenever we were going home on the bus, but I never knew exactly which house was his until I had asked him.

As I walked up the driveway, I realized that there were no cars in the driveway, so either he was home alone or there was nobody home at all. I sincerely hoped he was home because I hadn't even thought to text or call him before coming over. I just had wanted to see him. Today was New Years Eve and I wanted to spend it with him, especially since my mom and dad had left me at home to go out on a date. I knew parents obviously had sex, as much as it disgusted me to think about mine doing that, so I just wanted to be gone before they'd get back tonight. They could have sex all they wanted as long as I didn't have to hear any of it.

When I reached the front door, I hesitated for a moment before I knocked quietly on the front door and waited patiently for someone to hopefully answer. However, after a minute or so of waiting and not getting a response, I forced myself to knock again. Maybe I had knocked so quietly that nobody had even heard me knocking, so this time I knocked harder. Again, I waited for a little bit and then, right when I was about to turn to leave so I could head back home, I heard the sound of the locks being unlocked on the other side of the door. I peeked up immediately as I realized someone was home.

The front door swung open and I blinked in surprise when I saw Luke was standing there in nothing but a white towel, clearly fresh out of the shower. I blushed and peered up at him as he smiled down at me. "Hey, little dove. Sorry. I was trying to find a towel." He apologized, stepping to the side. "Come in." He said, gesturing for me to come inside. I bit my lip and quickly slipped past him, my knees trembling as I got a whiff of his scent. God, he smelled so good. "Do you usually answer the door like that?" I wondered, looking down at his towel as I turned to face him. He smirked and locked the front door, looking down at his own body. "Why? Make you jealous to think someone else gets to see me like this?" He teased, smoothly gliding closer until he was right in front of me.

"Maybe just a little." I admitted quietly, peering up at him as he slipped his hand into mine. A smile graced his full lips. "Well, don't worry. You're the only one who gets to see me this naked." He chuckled, a glimmer of happiness in his blue eyes. "Good." I breathed, following after him as he began leading me up the stairs. "I didn't know you live in a two story house." I gasped, looking around the tall walls as we ascended the stairs. He glanced back at me and smiled. "Now you know." He said. I looked around my surroundings until we came to a stop at a door and he turned the knob, pushing the door open. I assumed that this must've been his room and felt a spark of excitement in my chest. I'd never seen his bedroom, not even in pictures or something.

When I entered his room, I saw that the walls were white and the floors were some sort of light gray. He had a door on the right wall, which I assumed led into his closet since that was the only door he had in here. His bed was pushed up against the middle of the left wall, the bed frame black and platform style. His sheets were a light gray and I noticed he had a fluffy tan rug on the floor at the foot of his bed, the pillows and blankets on his bed both dark blue and black. On the wall directly above his bed were two black shelves. The bottom shelf had little items on it and the top shelf had picture frames on it.

To the right of his bed was a black nightstand that had a modern lamp with a black lampshade on it. He even had a clock there, but I doubted he actually used it because I'd had one in the guest bedroom he stayed in, yet he had relied on me to wake him up for some unknown reason.

There was a desk in the corner of his room that was actually pretty neat. He had a laptop set on the top of it with a lamp beside it and a few notebooks stacked in the small cubby space it had on the side.

The Art Of Love / l.h ✔️Where stories live. Discover now