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~Luke's POV~

Okay, so I admit that I might've found Fae to be a slightly amusing person, especially when it came to teasing her. Already two days had passed and I sometimes still found myself fighting a smile when I remembered that look on her face when I'd said I'd tell everyone that she cheated and copied off of Randy Mclain, which I knew wasn't the truth. I'd had a few classes throughout the years in which I had both of them in that class and every time Randy sat close enough to her to see her page, he'd take glances at her page to cheat. The guy had no shame in it, either.

Still, even if I did find that to be slightly amusing, we didn't talk. Then again, I hadn't expected us to, mostly because she and I were so different from one another. I was a loner and she was Fae. She was the type of girl who was popular, but had few friends. Everyone knew her name and face. It'd be hard not to, with a face like hers and a personality like that. She was undeniably beautiful and, even if she had stolen my seat and irked me a bit sometimes, she was sweet.

I, on the other hand, wasn't here to be sweet or to make friends. Sure, I occasionally would have flings with a girl, but I kept to myself and, to be quite honest, I didn't give a shit about any of the people here, which made it much easier for me to sometimes be a bit of a dick. All I wanted was to get through the four years of hell that was high school and, luckily, this was my last one. Then I wouldn't have to deal with ever coming back here again, thank fuck. Hell, I slept in nearly every class and I wouldn't even be surprised if I was failing because I never pay attention. It wasn't good, I knew that, but I was past the point of caring.

"Hi!" I heard Fae's sweet voice chirp, probably to Axel, as she came sauntering over to the art table. For a second, I glanced up at her and our eyes met, blue on dark brown. She hesitated for a moment and then gave me a small smile that I didn't return, but I did find it cute how she was even trying to include me in her greeting even though I hadn't necessarily been the nicest to her. "Hey, angel." Axel responded to her, causing her to break her gaze from mine and look over at him instead, smiling. Now that she wasn't looking, I scanned my gaze over her figure, taking in the clothes that covered her curvy figure.

She was dressed very cozy, like always, in a big sweater that was dark brown, white, and light brown. It had a striped pattern and was tucked loosely into a pair of tight black shorts that showed off those long, tan legs of hers. I wouldn't lie, either. My gaze lingered much longer than necessary on the shape of her full, thick thighs. On her feet, she had a pair of platform dark brown doc martens, the shoes low cut in a shriver style. Her black backpack was slung over one of her shoulders and her dark hair fell down in waves, framing her pretty face. When she passed me to go sit down in her seat, the scent of sweet strawberries fanned into my face and, to be honest, I couldn't help but to think about how...her that scent was.

Fae sat in her chair and scooted in beneath the desk, setting her bag down on the table in front of her once she took it off. Mr. Thomason slammed the classroom door shut and sat down at his desk, scribbling on a piece of paper as he glanced at the class every once in a while. I ran a hand through my curls and scooted in beneath the table more, crossing my arms over the surface before I rested my head on top of them. While I was trying to fall asleep, like I usually did in this class, I kept getting distracted again by the sound of Fae and Axel's voices as they chattered with one another. I tried hard to tune them out and just ignore them so I could fall asleep, but it was hard. They weren't particularly loud or anything, but my brain refused to fully ignore them. Every time I heard the sound of her voice, I'd just focus back in on them again.

The sound of Fae's soft giggle made me focus on her again, but I refused to lift my head to look at the two of them. Unable to stop myself from listening in, I focused on their voices. "No, I'm free this weekend," I heard Fae say to him, that soft sound causing me to quickly bury my head between my arms, folding my forearms up over the top of my head until my own hands tangled into my curls. "You want to go out somewhere?" He wondered, causing her to pause. It was silent for a second between them, silent enough that I was tempted to look up, but I didn't.

The Art Of Love / l.h ✔️Where stories live. Discover now