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~Fae's POV~

When the weekend finally rolled around, I allowed myself to sleep in until nine AM, which was actually pretty late for me. Even on the days that I didn't have school, I found it hard to wake up after seven AM. My body's internal clock would very rarely let me wake up any later than that.

But surprisingly, I woke up a little after nine AM on Saturday morning, the sun streaming into my room through the window. I rolled onto my back and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, sitting up onto my hands with a yawn. My blanket fell off of me as I rubbed my face and then ran a hand through my bedhead, glad that I had finally managed to sleep in a little bit. Most people my age slept in much later than this when they had the opportunity to.

When I had woken up enough, I crawled out of my bed and headed into the bathroom, deciding I should probably get a shower now. I hated the way I felt when I woke up in the mornings. While I let the water heat up, I brushed my teeth, flossed, and then mouth-washed before I went ahead and got into the shower. Steam rushed out of the shower when I opened up the glass door, the heat hitting my skin as the steam disappeared into the air. I shut the glass door behind me as I stepped into the shower, the hot water beating down onto my skin. My hair became heavy with water when I stepped under the stream that was pelting down, rubbing my hands over my face. First I washed my face and my body before I moved on to washing and conditioning my hair, not needing to shave my body since I had done that just the other day. It wasn't like I'd be wearing shorts or a skirt today, either.

Once I finished taking my shower, I hopped out and wrapped myself in a towel, drying off before I headed into my room to pull on a pair of undergarments. I pulled on a pair of lime green panties and decided against wearing a bra, heading back into my bathroom to hang up my towel before I entered my closet. Wanting to dress very comfy today, I pulled on an oversized green sweater and a pair of black leggings that had a dark green and beige colored plaid pattern. I brushed my hair and left it down so it could dry all the way, heading out of my room.

I left my bedroom door open and paused outside of Luke's room, wondering if he was awake. He usually slept in later than this on the weekends, but there were also days where he would be up at the same time as me, sometimes even earlier. It was hard to predict when he would and wouldn't be awake. The guy had practically no internal clock. He just got up at random times every day, with no pattern or anything. Hell, he didn't even set alarms for school. I had to wake him up and even that was a task in itself. If he didn't want to do something, he'd make it very known, all while fighting it with everything he's got.

I stared at his bedroom door for a while, listening in to try to determine if he was still sleeping or not. I realized how creepy it probably looked, but I didn't really care much. After a little while of me standing there without hearing even the smallest peep out of his bedroom, I very quietly opened up the door and slid my way into the room, closing the door behind me just as quietly as I had opened it. I poked my head around the wall and saw Luke was, indeed, still asleep in bed.

Perhaps I should've left when I realized he was still asleep, since that would've been the nice thing of me to do, but I didn't. No, instead I tip toed all the way across the room until I reached his bed. That was when it started to actually dawn on me that I was being very creepy. Still, I didn't leave. Nope, I just peered down at him.

His large body made the queen sized bed look small, but nowhere near as small as he made my twin sized bed look with him atop it. The blanket he had only came up to above his butt, leaving the entirety of his pale back exposed. I grazed my eyes up the length of his back, along the smooth looking skin and up to the muscular parts of his back. Before right this second, I never really understood why some girls were so obsessed with the way a guy's back looks, but now I definitely did. My lips twitched up into a tiny smile.

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