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~Luke's POV~

My sleep was being rudely interrupted on Friday morning by the feeling of a warm body crawling into my bed, which I immediately knew was obviously Fae. I cracked an eye open as she ran one of her small hands through my curls, a little smile on her full lips. She looked so cute, even though it was clear she'd just woken up. "Hello, sleepyhead." She greeted in her soft voice, that one she liked to use when she was trying to be sweet to me. I liked that voice, but not more than her normal one. Shit, I liked all of them.

"Hey, little dove." I muttered tiredly, letting my eyes close as her hand running through my hair soothed me. "You have to get up." She said quietly, tracing her hand down the side of my cheek until she reached the stubble on my jaw. "Ugh." I groaned in annoyance and forced myself to roll over, sitting up onto my hands. "You're so lucky that I like you so much." I sighed, causing her to snort. "I'm sure I am." She said playfully, slipping out of my bed before I could try to trap her in my arms. I pouted as I watched her leave my room, looking down at the tight boxers that covered her thick, round ass from me.

The sight of her ass, even hidden like that, reminded me of the view I'd had when she'd been down on her hands and knees with my cock in her mouth. When I had seen her sweater lifting up, exposing her ass to me, I hadn't been able to resist smacking it. My body warmed at the memory and I pushed it back, slipping out of bed before I could get carried away. This was definitely not the time for that.

Knowing Fae would definitely leave without me if I wasn't ready in time, I headed down the hall to take a shower. She definitely didn't give me special treatment when it came to the possibility of her being late. She'd ditch my ass and leave me to walk, not that I could blame her. I knew she cared about school.

When I finished taking my shower, I got out and wrapped a towel around my hips, leaving the bathroom to head back to my room. I wasn't sure what the hell times her parents had to go to work at, but when I had to emerge from the bathroom practically naked, I always found myself glad that her parents were usually gone at work before us. Being caught like this by her mom or dad would've been embarrassing.

I headed into my room and shut the bedroom door behind me, locking it as well. My towel was carelessly tossed to the floor as I grabbed a pair of boxers and pulled them on, yawning tiredly. After I got myself dressed and had brushed my hair out since I didn't brush it yesterday, I sprayed my cologne on and reluctantly grabbed my backpack. I then left my room, turning the light off as I went. For a while, I waited in the hallway outside of Fae's bedroom, leaning against the wall while I waited for her to finish getting ready. However, after about fifteen minutes passed and she wasn't done yet, I grew a little bored and decided to go and raid her fridge while I waited. I'd gotten finished getting ready a little earlier than usual today, so I was definitely going to be waiting a while.

As I yanked open a fridge, I grabbed a yogurt that I knew was Fae's, but I figured she wouldn't miss one because she had a few of them in there. I grabbed a spoon and walked out of the kitchen, heading through the living room. I'd planned to go back to my room or maybe go and see how far along Fae was in getting ready, but I suddenly spotted a little sticky note on the table in the living room with writing on it, and it said Fae's name at the top in big letters. My attention now focused on that, I curiously grabbed the note and picked it up, my eyes scanning across the very short sentence.

All it said was, "Fae, school cancelled because of snow. Love you! -Mom"

I blinked in confusion, looking up over towards the closed windows with curiosity. I didn't even know that it was supposed to snow today. To be honest, I honestly doubted at first that it was because it didn't snow a whole lot here. Sure, it was nearing December now and we got snow maybe two or three times every year, but that was it. Plus, it was only November 22nd.

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