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~Luke's POV~

I was woken on Tuesday morning by the feeling of a small, soft hand lightly poking me on the back of my bare shoulder. Knowing that it was Fae, I rolled over onto my stomach and buried my cheek into the pillow, my head facing in the direction she was sat.

Fae must've known I was about to be giving her a hard time, like I always did when it came to her waking me up in the mornings, because she let out a little huff. My lips twitched up at the sound of her frustration and I kept my eyes closed, sticking my hands beneath the pillow. "You're such a pain in the butt." She complained, crawling more into my bed, making it dip beneath her weight. I chuckled and felt her softly poke me on the back again, her touch light. "Please get up." She pouted, scooting closer to me. I grinned and cracked an eye open, looking up at her as she frowned down at me. "Please?" She asked. When I just closed my eyes again, she let out a groan and placed her hand on my back, leaning down.

The touch of her hand on my bare back made goosebumps rise on my skin and I let out a soft sigh, finding comfort in her touch. I liked feeling her hands on my skin. She suddenly laid down right beside me, causing my eyes to shoot open in confusion. My blue eyes met her dark brown ones and she softly dragged her hand along my back, down my bicep until it rested on the pillow between us. "What are you doing?" I asked, a frown forming on my lips. In the week and a half that I had been staying here so far, she'd woken me up every day except on the weekends, but she'd never done this before.

An adorable little smile formed on her lips as she laid on her side, her dark hair sprawled across the pillow cases. "Since you won't get up, I'm laying down." She answered, raising a dark, perfectly arched brow at me. Even without any makeup on, she was still just as beautiful as she was with makeup.

"That's not how this works. I'm the lazy one here." I muttered, earning a melodic giggle from her. "Well, it's my turn. You always get to be the lazy one who won't wake up." She shot back, a playful little smile on her full lips. Clearly, she was just teasing me. I sat up and the blankets fell down, her brown eyes glancing down at my bare chest as her cheeks flushed. She looked back up at me and I met her gaze, cocking my head to the side with a little grin on my lips. It was cute how flustered she'd become in just a few seconds. "Since you refuse to participate, I guess I have no choice but to get up." I pouted, watching as she smiled up at me and rolled onto her back. The black shirt she had on lifted, showing off the tan skin of her mid-drift. I had to fight not to look, not to touch the soft skin even just a little.

I slipped out of my bed, knowing I'd do something stupid if I laid there with her any longer, like kissing her again. She sat up and looked at me, her brown eyes sparkling as the bedroom light hit them at an angle. My heart squeezed at the sight of her, the way her eyes sparkled and how her hair fell around her pretty face in a dark, messy mane. "I should go shower." She said, sliding out of the bed. At her words, an involuntary image of her in the shower popped into my head, her curvy figure nude and wet, water droplets running down her tan skin. My skin warmed and I forced the thoughts away, feeling a little embarrassed for thinking those things about her while she was stood right in front of me. Could I be any bigger of a damn pervert?

I mean, it wasn't like I was trying to think of her like that. It just happened, completely out of my control. Usually, I didn't find myself having these thoughts about a particular girl, but Fae was an exception, apparently. Sure, I occasionally would take a girl to bed for a bit of fun, but that was different. I didn't think about the girls I'd been to bed with, before or after. But Fae...she'd been forcing her way into my head without even having to do much of anything and this was all new to me, in a way. I hadn't yearned after a girl like this before, hadn't liked the simplest touch of someone's hand on my skin the way I did hers. I'd wondered if maybe it was just lust, because it was undeniable that I thought she was beautiful, but I was familiar with lust. With girls I had felt lust for, the ones I'd taken to my bed, I hadn't cared about seeing them smile nor had I felt shivers just from the sound of my name on their tongues.

The Art Of Love / l.h ✔️Where stories live. Discover now