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~Fae's POV~

"Oh!" I whimpered as Luke slid into me around two hours later, his thick cock slamming into me. He let out a deep groan from behind me and held my hips tightly in his hands. "That's it. God, Fae. So wet. So tight." He ground out through a harsh breath, holding himself still in me for a moment.

My skin dusted over with goosebumps as I sat on my hands and knees in the middle of his bed, realizing that his cock was bare as he throbbed inside me. He had savagely ripped all of my clothes off and I'd let him, waiting impatiently for him to be inside of me again, which he now was. I knew by the sounds that left him even as he wasn't moving that I was definitely not the only one who'd been craving this. We'd only had sex the one time and it was about time for a repeat.

Suddenly, Luke began thrusting into me, my ass bouncing with each hard thrust. He groaned my name and held my hips tightly, the loud sound of his skin clapping against mine echoing through the room. There was absolutely no gentleness in this one, just primal fucking. My cries joined the symphony of noises in his room, already shaking from how hard he pounded in and out of me, but I loved it.

His breathing was harsh as he repeatedly slammed into me, grunts leaving his mouth as he squeezed my flesh in his greedy hands. He couldn't get enough of me. "Luke!" I moaned, causing him to growl lowly. "Fuck, Fae." He groaned, palming my ass in his hands. Suddenly, he removed one hand and then, just a second later, brought it back down onto my backside. I moaned, clenching around him at the feel of the harsh slap, gladly taking his cock. "Harder!" I begged, fisting his sheets in my hands. I didn't have to tell him anything more before he was grabbing me by the hair and tugging roughly, forcing my head back as he increased his pace.

A loud cry left me as he slammed into my g-spot, my thighs shaking. Still, he didn't slow down. He just groaned, the sound of the TV playing fading into the background as I felt my arousal dripping out of me and onto his mattress. "Fuck!" I moaned, hearing him lowly growl as he fisted my hair tighter in his hand. He clearly wasn't going to be letting go anytime soon. "Fae," He hissed, squeezing my hip with his other hand. "So fucking gorgeous. I love you. I love you so much." He cursed, causing me to cry back in response. I couldn't even find the words to respond, but I had a feeling I didn't need to. He knew.

Truly, coming over here and having sex hadn't been my intention. However, I was certainly not upset that this was what it had turned into. Luke was talented in the bedroom.

I whimpered deeply as his thick cock pumped in and out of my wet, hot core at a rough pace, his bed moving obnoxiously loud underneath us. "Oh!" I whined, feeling myself tighten around him. He moaned back to me and I felt his fingertips digging into my hip so deep, so intently that I wouldn't have been surprised if he left bruises there. My face was incredibly hot and I could feel myself already starting to sweat because of how turned on I was, how hot he was making my body. I wouldn't have been surprised if my makeup was already completely ruined, in fact.

Luke grunted with each thrust, my name leaving his lips in harsh, heavy breaths or long moans. The sound of him saying my name was something that turned me on like no other, but then again, he hardly had to do anything and I would end up dripping wet. That was just how it was.

My heart pounded in my chest as he slammed into me, repeatedly knocking against my g-spot. I felt my body shaking under the force of his hard thrusts, moaning his name so loud that I wouldn't have been surprised if the neighbors could hear us. It was a good thing he and I were at his house alone. "So good." He moaned from behind me, appreciatively smacking my ass. The sting made me mewl in pleasure and arch my back, my breasts bouncing in the air as he fucked me mercilessly. "So goddamn good, little dove." He muttered through a grunt.

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