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~Fae's POV~

After a few days, having to do Luke's laundry and make his bed and serve him dinner didn't seem so bad anymore. I'd grown used to it, so it didn't really bother me very much. I mean, I still didn't like it, but it definitely wasn't the worse thing in the world to have to do, to be fair.

"You don't have to do that, Fae." Luke groaned when he came out of the bathroom after his shower, finding me making his bed like I was supposed to do. Clearly, Luke still wasn't exactly on board with this whole thing. I raised a brow at him and put his pillows on the floor for now, pulling the sheets down over the bed so they weren't all crumpled and stuff from being slept on. "Actually, I do." I responded, taking the blanket from the floor and throwing it over the top of his bed.

"No, you don't. I've told you that you don't have to. I can do it and just tell her you did." He insisted, stalking over to me. I just swatted him away when he tried to grab the blankets, sending him a narrow eyed look. "No! That's lying." I huffed, pushing him out of my way so I could pull the blanket into the place it needed to be. He completely ignored me and pulled me out of his way, beginning to do what I'd been doing. I gasped and grabbed him by the back of his shirt, trying to pull him. However, that failed horribly. With a groan of irritation, I went to cut around in front of him when he suddenly spun around and ducked down, throwing me over his shoulder like I weighed nothing. Unable to stop myself, I yelped in fear and found myself hanging upside down with his butt in my face.

Just as quickly as I'd been picked up, I was suddenly being swung down onto his bed, his large frame on top of me. "I don't want you to clean my stuff, Fae." He ground out, peering down at me with frustration clear on his face. I tried to push him off, frowning. "Well, you should've thought of that before you got me in trouble!" I snapped, still attempting to push him off by shoving his shoulders and pushing at his stomach with my feet.

That must've been irritating him because he grabbed me by my ankles and held my legs down, crawling right on top of me until he was straddling my thighs. "That was an accident and you know it. I didn't know she'd have you do all this stupid shit for me." He defended himself, smacking my hands away while I tried to push him off. That didn't stop me, though. He narrowed his eyes at me as he grabbed my hands and slammed them down against his blankets, his necklace dangling in the air as he hovered over me.

"Get off of me!" I exclaimed, writhing around beneath him. He raised a brow at me and leaned closer, so close that I immediately stopped moving when I could feel his warm breath against my cheek. "We're going to have to work something out, little dove, because you doing everything for me isn't going to work." He said, the cold metal of his necklace lightly hitting my throat. For some reason, my cheeks warmed. "That's not going to work, either. I'm a bad liar, Luke. Just let me do this." I pleaded, peering up at him. I didn't understand why he was so against it.

He was silent for a moment, looking down at me with a thoughtful frown on his lips. "If I let you do these things, then I get to...sit with you at lunch." He said, causing me to blink in surprise. "I didn't even know you had the same lunch period as me. I never see you." I frowned, confused. He smiled and playfully slid his hand up my arm, until he reached my hair that sprawled over my shoulders and all over his blankets beneath me. "That's because I don't sit in the cafeteria. No friends, remember?" He hummed, lightly twirling a strand of my hair around his finger. I pushed his hand away, deciding I didn't need another reason for my heart to race so fast. Him being so close was plenty enough to get the job done. "Right." I whispered.

"But, just so you know, Maria sits with us again and she'll probably try to flirt with you." I warned, causing a look of horror to flash across his face. "Oh, god. Flirt with me?" He whispered, eyes wide. He was probably remembering the last time she had flirted with him. Poor Luke. If only he knew that that had been her subtly flirting with him. "If you're lucky, then yes, just flirting." I affirmed, nodding my head. He concealed his look of horror and pressed himself into me more, the feeling of his warm, firm body against my soft one causing me to blush hard. "You'll protect me, right?" He pouted, releasing my wrist to sit up and peer down at me. Now that he wasn't so close, I felt myself relax against his bed. "Of course." I smiled.

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