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~Fae's POV~

Surprisingly enough, Maria seemed to grow used to having Luke sit with us at lunch. In fact, she grew so used to it that she didn't even try to talk to him or flirt with him. Nothing, nothing at all. It was a little weird, to be honest. I had expected her to continuously be trying to get him out of his pants, regardless of how long he sat by us.

To be fair, he'd only been sitting with us for a couple of days, but still. That's more time than I thought it would take to get her to stop trying to jump his bones. It wasn't like I was complaining, though. That just made it less weird for me, since Luke refused to give Josh his seat back, which meant that I was now sandwiched between Luke and Maria. If she were still trying to flirt with him, it'd be very awkward for me.

"Hey," I heard someone say to me as I was walking down the hall towards the cafeteria, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw that Luke was now walking beside me, causing a smile to rise on my lips. "Hi." I greeted back, peering up at him. He and I continued to walk down the hallway with one another, side by side. " I kind of thought you'd already be at the cafeteria by now. You're always there before me." He mentioned, raising a brow at me. I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my feet as I was walking, counting the steps I took. "I got held back for a bit. Mrs. Wentworth just wanted to tell me that she thought I was doing well and was asking if I'd join any clubs or anything." I explained, shoving my hands into the pockets of my jacket.

"Well...are you going to?" He asked, curiosity in his voice. I snorted and looked up at him with a simple shake of my head. "Definitely not. I mean, I like to draw and stuff, but I don't think I'd be interested in something even like an art club. For me, I don't mind drawing around other people, but I don't want to do it with other people. That's not my thing." I answered, shrugging my shoulders. He hummed and lightly slung his arm over my shoulders, pulling me into his side. I felt a little uncomfortable at first, a blush warming my cheeks as my senses became consumed with his scent. He smelled so good.

"You seem to really like to draw. I mean, I didn't know that that's what you do even when you're at home. I guess I just always thought it was something you only did because you had to." He said, looking down at me. My lips twitched up in amusement. "Of course I like it. Why else would I have taken Mr. Thomason's art class for three years straight?" I teased, laughing when he just rolled his eyes. "How long have you been drawing for? I haven't really seen anything you've drawn except for the shit in class, but you're pretty good at it." He wondered. For a moment, I just remained silent, trying to think. It felt like I'd been drawing for forever, but that obviously wasn't the case.

"I mean, I drew a lot as a kid, but I didn't start to actually do it seriously until I was about nine or so. I even remember that the first thing I actually drew was Spongebob Squarepants. I'd been sick in bed at my Grandma's house and was just watching kids shows for the entire time, and eventually I started drawing characters from the TV shows that were on." I answered, smiling to myself at the memory. At the time I hadn't seen it as anything fond because I was sick with the flu. It had absolutely sucked to me, being stuck in bed. Believe it or not, I used to be quite the adventurous kid. I had liked to be outside a lot, practically all the time.

"Spongebob Squarepants?" He repeated, an amused smile lifting up onto his lips as he looked down at me. I just shrugged. "Hey, everyone has to start somewhere, you know." I defended myself, shaking my head. He just smiled and fell quiet.

I went to turn the corner to enter another hall and my eyes fell on Maria as she stood around the middle of the hallway with her back to me. "Hey, Maria!" I loudly gasped out to Luke, not thinking it would've been a big deal. As far as I knew, she wasn't harassing him anymore, so I didn't see it as something bad when I said her name. He, on the other hand, must've not felt the same way because he gripped my arm tightly and suddenly yanked me back behind the wall again, hiding us. Surprised and confused, I looked up at him with a frown. "What's wrong?" I asked, furrowing my brows. He glanced down at me and shuffled us closer to the wall. "Why did you call that psycho?" He huffed, causing me to blink in confusion. "Huh? What did she do?" I asked.

The Art Of Love / l.h ✔️Where stories live. Discover now