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~Luke's POV~

I laid in bed on Wednesday night, sleeplessly staring up at the ceiling while I thought of Fae. My girl. My little dove. She was asleep in her room, being that it was after twelve AM now after all, and I'd bothered her for as long as possible when we got back to her house after school, but it hadn't been enough. I still had her on my mind.

As I laid there in the dark, looking up at absolutely nothing, I heard the sound of a door creaking open very quickly. My thoughts momentarily vanished as I rolled onto my side, listening closely for any more noises. Funnily enough, I heard the sound of very soft footsteps creeping out of Fae's room and past my bedroom door. It seemed Fae wasn't actually asleep like I had thought. I wondered where she was going and sat up in my bed, hearing that soft sound of her footsteps disappearing down the hall until I could no longer hear them. The silence had settled in again, but I knew she hadn't returned to her bedroom because I never heard the door creaking when she shut it.

Curious, I slipped out of bed and left my room, glad that my bedroom door had decided to not obnoxiously creak open for once. I stalked down the hall, my footsteps nowhere near as light as hers had been. She was very light on her feet, it seemed.

When I reached the kitchen, I saw that the light above the sink was on, providing just enough light for me to see that Fae was stood in front of the sink with a cup in her hand. I stared at her and took a step forward, causing a floorboard to creak beneath my weight. She spun around in alarm and the breath shot out of my lungs, surprised at the sight in front of me. Fae's long, dark hair was tumbling down her back in thick waves, hiding her attire from me when I'd looked at her from behind.

Now, though, I could see that she was wearing nothing but a pair of men's boxers and a sports bra. Nothing else.

My eyes widened in surprise as I felt my cock immediately shift, showing the approval I felt at the sight. The boxers were a little tight on her and stopped below her bellybutton, my eyes trailing up the beautiful curve of her hips and to her waist, which then flowed out again to her breasts. She had full, round breasts that were hidden from my eyes in a black sports bra. I realized the boxers were red with black hearts and, for some reason, I found them to be so cute on her.

Fae gaped at me like a deer caught in headlights and I did the same, not even sure what to say. She looked too perfect for me to even find words to say. So I just stared instead, wide eyed and practically drooling.

"W-What are you doing here?" She stuttered, a bright blush on the tan skin of her cheeks. "I heard you up and got curious." I answered honestly, struggling as I went back and forth between looking at her face and her body. She noticed and blushed even harder, one shaking hand placing the cup of what looked to be milk down on the counter. I walked over to her, feeling my erection straining against my boxers with so much desperation that it actually hurt. She peered up at me as I brushed a finger against the soft skin of her cheek. "You're so beautiful, Fae." I said, scanning my eyes over her makeup free face.

I noticed her bite her bottom lip, causing my cock to jerk at the sight. We were standing so close that I knew she'd felt the action against her lower stomach solely by the way she flushed with arousal and her breathing quickened. "I didn't know you wore boxers." I mentioned lowly, to which she shook her head. "Only when I go to bed. This is what I sleep in." She explained shyly, crossing her arms over her stomach. Again, my cock shifted as I saw her breasts push out with the movement. And again, I knew she felt it because she let out a sharp gasp and stared up at me, brown eyes glimmering with desire.

Unable to stop myself, I slowly rocked my erection against her warm body, eyeing her closely to try to gauge her reaction. If she seemed uncomfortable or uncertain, I'd stop, but she just let out another little breath and practically collapsed back against the sink with her elbows propped up onto the edge of the sink behind her. "Luke," She whispered breathily, staring up at me. The sound of my name on her lips made me smile and I softly stroked a hand up and down the curve of her waist. "What is it, little dove?" I cooed, my heart racing. She must've heard that raw affection in my voice because she smiled and leaned her head back, giggling softly. "You're so hard." She said softly, causing me to smirk in amusement.

The Art Of Love / l.h ✔️Where stories live. Discover now