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~Fae's POV~

Luke only had a little over one more week left of staying here. Nine days, to be specific. Today was Friday, and he was supposed to be leaving next Sunday when his mom and dad came back from their vacation. I actually wasn't really looking forward to him leaving, but I knew I could always go and see him. My mom and dad knew that Luke and I were dating and they really liked him, so they'd have been completely fine with it. Well, my mom really liked him, anyways. It was kind of hard to tell if my dad liked him because he's not really one for showing emotion, like I've said. My dad keeps to himself quite a bit.

As of now, I laid in bed with Luke, his large body hovering over me as he kissed my jawline. "I'm gonna miss being able to sleep in your bed every night, falling asleep with you in my arms and waking up to this beautiful face of yours." He whispered against my skin, causing me to smile as I traced my fingertips down his warm back. "Then I guess you'd better treasure that while you can." I teased, feeling him pout. When he pulled back, I wasn't surprised to see that he was, indeed, pouting. "What a mean girlfriend." He huffed, but I just snickered softly. "You know I'm joking. It's not like we'll never see each other again. You know where I live and I'm sure I'll know pretty soon where you live." I reminded, stroking a down his cheek. He smiled at me, his eyes sparkling. "I guess you're right." He hummed.

My lips pulled into a smile and he softly kissed my lips, beginning to trail his fingers up my arm. "You know, that painting you and your second boyfriend made was actually pretty fucking good." He muttered. A laugh left my mouth. "My second boyfriend, huh?" I echoed, knowing he was referring to Axel. Before Luke and I were dating, he used to call Axel my boyfriend all the time. It seems that still hasn't changed, except now Luke is my boyfriend, whereas Axel is my "second" boyfriend. Obviously he knew Axel and I were just friends, but he clearly liked to tease me. "Mhm. You sure were being giggly in here with him while you two were working, little dove." He said, his fingers reaching my wrist, which he wrapped his hand around and pinned down into my bed.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling. "You were jealous." I said, knowing that was very true. He'd been really jealous. I still remember that glare he'd given Axel, even at times Axel had done nothing wrong.

"Fuck yes, I was." He huffed, a frown on his lips. "Some stupid guy had my girlfriend all alone in her bedroom, flirting with her and making her giggle, not even knowing that she's taken." He scowled at the thought and I smiled, brushing my fingers along the stubble that littered his sharp jawline. "He wasn't flirting with me." I denied, shaking my head.

Luke sent me a look, raising a brow in disbelief as he shook his head. "You must be more blind than I thought." He tsked, causing me to pout. "You're the one that thinks he has a thing for me. What are you gonna say next, Josh has a thing for me, too?" I mocked, peering up into his blue eyes. He narrowed his gaze at me. "Well, Josh does like to try to make you laugh a lot." He mumbled, earning a laugh from me. Was he seriously trying to suggest that Josh had feelings for me? "See, that's how I know you're just seeing things that aren't there. Josh is like a stupid older brother." I smiled.

"Fine, maybe Josh doesn't, but Axel definitely has a thing for you. I'd know how to spot it." He insisted. I looked up at him silently for a moment, wondering if he actually got genuinely upset when Axel "flirted" with me. A small smile rose on my lips as I brushed my thumb against his cheek. "There's nothing to be jealous of. I really don't see Axel as anything but a friend, so even if you're right and he has feelings for me, I wouldn't let anything happen." I assured, giving him a smile that he returned. He softly nuzzled his head down into the crook of my neck and I laughed softly as his curls tickled my skin. "You promise?" He asked hopefully.

"My heart is already yours, Luke. How would I give it to someone else?" I said softly, causing him to smile against my neck.

"Good." He murmured, placing a kiss on my neck. "You're mine. My little dove. My beautiful girl." He grinned, a gasp leaving me as he nipped lightly at my neck. I felt him release my wrist and I immediately slid my hands around to the back of his shoulders, holding him close to me. "Aren't you, Fae?" He hummed, my body softly writhing beneath his as I began to feel little waves of heat wash down between my legs with each kiss on my neck. "Yes." I gasped out softly, biting my lip.

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