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~Fae's POV~

On Friday morning, I woke up and crawled out of bed. The cold air hit my skin as I skittered my way towards my bathroom, shutting and locking the bathroom door behind me. I flicked the light on and then turned the shower on, letting the water heat up while I went and brushed my teeth.

After I brushed my teeth and had used the restroom, I got in the shower with my shaving cream and first began to shave my legs, knowing that would take me the longest. It always did, for some reason. When I finished shaving my legs, I shaved the rest of my body and then washed and conditioned my hair before I washed my body as well. Feeling squeaky clean, I hopped out of the shower after I turned the water off and wrapped myself up in a towel.

The cold that brushed over my wet skin as I left the bathroom made goosebumps form up and down my body, but I just ignored it and sat down on my bed after I got my makeup. Then, I did as I do every morning and started to do my makeup, leaving my hair down to dry on its own. I applied my lipgloss last, after I'd sprayed my face with little spritzes of setting spray, making my lips shiny and nice. Not wanting to take too long to get ready since it was already late enough, I began hurriedly putting my makeup up, wondering if I should shave at night before bed instead of right before school. That'd probably be a better option.

When I had all my makeup put up, I pulled on a pair of undergarments and then headed into my closet to find something to wear, flicking the light on as I entered. My closet was pretty nice and spacious, so I often just got dressed in here. Might as well, right?

I searched through my clothes for a while before I came to a conclusion on what I wanted to wear, pulling the items off of their hangers. I grabbed a skirt that had black and white vertical stripes and a little button that closed on the front, pulling it up my legs with just a little struggle. It fit me a bit more snug so I knew I must've gained weight, but I didn't mind. I still looked good in it. Then, I grabbed a beige shirt that had a picture on the front of it of two skeletons hugging and said 'love' beneath them in red. I tucked it into my skirt and grabbed a tan colored cardigan and pulled it on, the sleeves covering my hands a little. The cardigan fell to a bit above my hip and had a pocket on the front.

Lastly, I grabbed a pair of black flat sole sandals that had thin straps that laced around. The strap first looped under and then around my big toe and around to the back of my heel, lacing across the top of my foot and up around my ankles.

Once I was dressed, I brushed out my black hair and then set my brush onto my sink, running my fingers through my soft hair. A smile of content rose on my lips as I left the bathroom and went over to my dresser, putting on some perfume after I applied deodorant first. When I was done, I grabbed my backpack and quickly left my room, jogging downstairs and out of the house. The bus was definitely going to be here soon, so I needed to hurry. I was running a little late as it was and I definitely didn't want to miss the bus.

Luckily for me, I arrived at the bus stop right as Ms. Harding rolled to a stop, opening the bus doors for me. Huffing in relief, I gave her a grateful smile and made my way down the aisle, hearing her close the bus doors. I plopped into my seat and scooted closer to the window, peering outside as we drove.

Once Luke got on the bus, I was surprised to see that he was carrying a humongous poster board in his hands, looking down at it as he slid into the seat. I had to actually pull my legs up onto the seat just so he could fit the poster board in front of us, mostly in front of me since his legs were too long for there to be much room. "It's for physics." He muttered as the bus began moving, seeming to notice my stare on the poster.

My lips twitched up a little and I wrapped my arms around my legs, trying to make sure that the sight of my panties couldn't be seen in this position. I was wearing a skirt, after all.

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