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~Fae's POV~

On Monday morning, I headed into Luke's room after I woke up, leaving his bedroom lights off for once when I entered. I usually always turned them on.

As quiet as possible, I tip toed over to his bed and turned the lamp on that sat on his nightstand, casting some light into the room. It lit the room just enough to let me see his sleeping figure, but I was surprised to see that he wasn't in his bed. Blinking in confusion, I stood straight and eyed his bed with a small frown, wondering where he was. Had he already woken up? He never woke up before me, especially on school days.

I got my answer when I heard the creaking of the door hinges when the bedroom door was being swung open behind me, causing me to turn around. Just a second later, the bedroom light flicked on, flooding the room with light. My eyes landed on Luke's tall, wide figure as he leaned against the doorframe, a brow raised while he looked at me from across the room. "Oh." I said dumbly, blushing as I realized he was just in a towel that was wrapped around his waist. He smiled and pushed off the doorframe, entering the room. "Hello to you, too." He teased, coming over to me. When he stopped in front of me, I tilted my head up to look at him. "I was just coming to wake you up, but you weren't here." I explained, frowning. Weirdly enough, I'd grown to like waking him in the morning, even if he was a stubborn one to wake up.

"Yeah, I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I just decided to take a shower." He murmured, smelling warm and earthy as he neared me more. His right arm slipped around my waist and he pulled me into him, brushing his left hand through my hair. "You've got quite the case of bedhead here, huh?" He teased, a grin growing on his face when I blushed in embarrassment. "I haven't had my shower yet." I defended, pouting. He snickered softly and playfully squeezed my waist, ducking his head down to try to give me a kiss. However, before his lips could meet mine, I squealed and turned my head away, refusing to let him kiss me. "Hey." He grumbled in disappointment, frowning.

He grabbed my chin and turned my face to him, an action that seemed to be becoming a habit with us, and he went in to try to kiss me again. Still, I refused, placing my hand over his mouth and stubbornly pushing him back. "Fae!" He groaned, turning his head so my hand no longer covered his mouth. "I want a kiss." He complained, tightening his grip around my waist as he peered down at me. "I have morning breath. Not happening." I refused, shaking my head. He scowled a little and pulled me up against him more, the smooth skin of his bare stomach pressing against me through my oversized shirt that I'd thrown on before I came in here. "I don't care about morning breath, to be quite frank." He said bluntly.

"Well, I do. I'm not kissing you with bad breath." I repeated, struggling to get out of his arms. He huffed and rolled his eyes but released me, though with a little reluctance. "You had better give me one after you're ready." He muttered, to which I just laughed as I left his room and headed into my bathroom so I could shower.

Already knowing what I wanted to wear today since I had picked my outfit out last night before bed, I took extra time to shave my body, since the last time I had properly shaved my body had been around Friday or Saturday. It didn't sound that long, but my hair grew pretty fast, unfortunately. I had to shave a lot more often than I would've liked.

When I was finished with taking my shower and shaving, I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel to dry off. I made sure my body was dry before exiting the bathroom and the picking out a pair of panties and a bra, pulling them both on before I headed to get my clothes off the shelf where I left them in my closet last night. First I pulled on a beige skirt that had dark brown plaid stripes on it, yanking a big brown sweater that I then tucked loosely into my skirt. The sleeves were long, covering my fingers, and it was a little baggy around my arms. Lastly, I grabbed my ankle high boots that were the same brown color as my sweater and slid my sock covered feet into them. Thankfully, I had been smart enough to put my deodorant on before I went to get dressed, so I didn't have to attempt to shove my hands up my sweater to put some on. I'd done that before and got deodorant all over a lot of sweaters from it.

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