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~Fae's POV~

When the Christmas break was over, getting up and getting ready for school in the morning was probably one of the hardest things ever to find the motivation to do. It wasn't that I wasn't used to waking up that early because I was. My internal clock always woke me up early, so I had no problem with that. However, I had a problem with actually wanting to get out of bed to get ready instead of just laying beneath the covers while I watched Netflix or drew in my sketchbook all day.

However, when I found the motivation, I started up the shower and let the water heat up while I brushed my teeth. After my dental hygiene had been taken care of, I got in the shower and began to do as I usually did: washing my hair, conditioning my hair, washing my face and my body. Then, I also took the time out to shave my body, noticing that I was beginning to get a little prickly once again. Once I was done showering, I dried off and then put on a bra and panties before grabbing my makeup from under the sink, heading directly for my bed so I could get my makeup done first. Laying in bed while I dreaded getting out of bed had made me waste a little bit of time, so I had to be a bit more quick today.

By some miracle, I managed to finish doing my makeup within less than twenty minutes. It usually took me longer than that, so I was surprised. After I had my false lashes on, I spritzed my face with setting spray and then swiped on a clear lip gloss that smelled like cupcakes. Now that my makeup was done, I picked up my caboodle and carried it to my bathroom, placing it back beneath my sink. Because I knew I wouldn't have time to let my hair dry on its own like I usually tried to do, I plugged in my hair dryer and began to blow dry my hair. I then brushed it out and decided to leave it in its natural state today, unplugging the dryer before I left the bathroom and entered my closet to get dressed.

I eventually end up picking an outfit that consists of a brown cropped top with a maroon knit fabric skirt and a black cardigan that I decide to pair with black doc martens on my feet. When I was dressed, I left my closet and grabbed my backpack from beside my bed, heading out of my room. The bus was supposed to be here very soon, so I needed to leave right now. I left the house, taking my house key and locking the front door behind me. As I was locking the door, I could hear the sound of the bus nearing and looked over my shoulder, pulling the key out of the lock. I rushed down the porch when I heard the bus creep around the corner, hustling my way down the driveway as Ms. Harding began to leave. Thankfully, though, she saw me coming down the driveway and let the bus roll to a stop for me so I could get on.

A sigh of relief left me as I got on the bus, sending her a grateful smile before I walked down the aisle. When I looked up, my gaze immediately met Luke's, who had a look of relief on his face as well while I approached him. He smiled at me as the bus began moving before I even got to sit down, his hand grabbing onto mine so I wouldn't fall. I felt him playfully pat me on my ass when I slipped in front of him, plopping onto my seat with a little smile on the edge of my lips. "I thought you were going to miss the bus and I'd be left to ride alone." He confessed, looking down at me as he scooted himself closer to me. I grinned at him. "You know I'd never do that." I giggled, slipping my hand into his.

Luke smiled and grabbed my face in his hand, ducking down to place a kiss on my lips. I pulled away quickly, not wanting anyone to possibly see us. "Luke," I scolded quietly, causing him to chuckle and shake his head. "Fae," He mocked, sending me a big grin that I just rolled my eyes at and shook my head. "You're stupid." I mumbled.

"Love you too." He hummed.


Around lunch time, I found myself walking down the hallway towards the cafeteria when I suddenly felt a hand grab onto my wrist. Startled, I immediately tried to jerk away as I spun around, but relaxed when I saw that it was just Luke.

The Art Of Love / l.h ✔️Where stories live. Discover now