The Visit (lyttlejoe)

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The Visit

He heard her talk to the doc 

then enter the room 

 She stood by the door 

getting used to the gloom 

Then he felt gentle fingers 

touching his heart 

Then she leaned over and kissed him 

And he gave her a start 

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Arm around her waist, 

holding her tight 

They kissed again, 

without a fight 

Doc came in 

with his professional cough 

'Okay young lady, 

that's enough. 

Couple of days 

and he'll be all yours. 

Right now he needs rest, 

so there's the doors." 

CG pleaded 

to let her stay the night 

Doc gave in and said, 


She lay down beside him 

and heard him sigh 

While she tried her hardest 

not to cry 

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'I heard about Lou . . . 

and Billy too.' 

His voice broke slightly 

when he said he knew 

'I missed her funeral. 

Hear she's buried near Lean. 

Beautiful spot, 

Unger's kept it green.' 

He turned his head 

to see if she'd heard 

But her steady breath told him 

- not a word 


It was so many years 

since she'd come to BG 

That feisty reporter 

he'd called CG 

And he knew deep inside 

his fate was sealed 

It had been confirmed 

in that lilac field.

in that lilac field

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