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Chaeyoung's POV

There's not much in this town, so we stopped at a pizza parlour. We ordered a large cheese pizza and sat in a red booth.

"This place must be popular." My aunt said. It is pretty crowded by a lot of people around my age. I wonder if they go to my new school. Across from us is a table full of teenagers. One of the girl must sense me staring, she looks over at me and give me a shy smile. She has a heart shaped lips, and she is so pretty. I quickly look away from them, I'm sure my cheeks are red.

"This is a small town." I said.

"Yeah, but isn't it nice to away from the city?" Aunt asked.

"Yeah I guess" I shrugged "do I start school from Monday?"

"Yes, so you will have all day tomorrow to get prepared. Do you want to go for cloth shopping?" She asked excitedly.

"Umm no I'm sure I have something that will be fine." I told her.

"Oh.. okay." She said disappointed.

"Maybe later on this week we can buy some stuff for my room." I said hoping that will make her happy.

"Yes of course we can get some curtains and pillows for your window sit and a comforter and other stuff." She said.

"Sounds great."

We head back to the house. It looks even more creepy at night.

There's boxes everywhere. It's going to be fun to unpack, note the sarcasm.

"Hey I'm gonna go to bed. I'm tired, long day." Aunt Lora said.

"Yeah me too." We head upstairs.

"Good night." She went to her room after greeting me.

"Night" I said as she shuts the door.

I get dressed for bed and climbed into my bed. But I have this feeling that someone is staring at me as I drifted off to sleep but before I black out I think I feel the bed dip as if someone sit on it.


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